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ceived from states – up-to-date data and information have

recently been provided to Malaysia, Morocco and Ecuador

as these countries work to complete their submissions for

extended continental shelf. As GRID-Arendal incorporates

new data into the system, they can be used to update and

strengthen the case for extended continental shelf.


The OCEANIDS web mapping tool,


developed by GRID-

Arendal in 2010, now contains over 100 marine-related

data sets, with recent maps covering topics including sea-

floor geomorphology and marine litter. The system has

been used to support the sustainable seas programme

with maps focusing on the South China Sea and the Abid-

jan Convention Regional Sea area. OCEANIDS maps have

routinely featured as the ‘map of the month’ in the ma-

rine newsletter. The OCEANIDS tool has also been used

to support external projects, including Ecologically or Bio-

logically Significant Area (EBSA) workshops for the North

East Atlantic for the Oslo and Paris Conventions (OSPAR).

The OSPAR commission has subsequently adopted the

OCEANIDS tool to support its ongoing work programme.

Development and support for the underlying technology

on which the OCEANIDS tool has been built, GeoIQ, was

discontinued in 2013 due to the developer being purchased

by the global mapping software company ESRI. Since then

GRID-Arendal has been working with ESRI to develop a

migration pathway for the current GeoIQ system to the

ArcGIS online system. The migration of existing users and

maps will be completed in early 2014.


Support developing countries with

extended continental shelf issues and

the management of the deep seabed in

and outside national jurisdiction

Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction GEF project

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) project ‘Areas Be-

yond National Jurisdiction’ (ABNJ) is an FAO-UNEP ini-

tiative which aims to achieve efficiency and sustainability

in the use of deep-sea living resources in ABNJ, through

i) improving sustainable management practices for deep-

sea fisheries, ii) protecting vulnerable marine ecosystems

(VMEs) and Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas

(EBSAs) and, iii) practicing improved area-based planning

for deep sea ecosystems. The project is scheduled to start

in early 2014, subject to final GEF approval.

Component 4 of the GEF project focuses on the ap-

plication of spatial planning in ABNJ. As one of the ex-


ecuting partners for this UNEP-WCMC led component,

GRID-Arendal will tap into its continental shelf and other

deep-sea experience to support the project over the next

5 years. GRID-Arendal has also been invited by the FAO

to partner with their iMarine data infrastructure project

to develop an application using seafloor geomorphology

and the iMarine data infrastructure to assess and identify

VMEs in the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation

Area. MFA’s past funding investment in the Shelf Pro-

gramme is thereby being leveraged as co-finance for our


7.2 Management of the marine



Sustainable seas programme

The Sustainable Seas Programme builds on the results and

the experience derived from the Shelf Programme. During

the past few years the focus of the Shelf Programme has

been the provision of assistance to West African Coastal

states for the delineation of their extended continental

shelf. Scientific and technical support and capacity build-

ing have been provided by GRID-Arendal in partnership

with the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate while political

issues have been coordinated by the Norwegian Ministry

of Foreign Affairs through the West African Liaison Com-

mittee. The West African Liaison Committee has been an

example of the establishment of a process to ensure Afri-

can ownership and cooperation with Norwegian technical

and financial support.

The purpose of the Shelf Programme has been conti-

nental shelf boundary delineation while the focus of the

Sustainable Seas Programme is management of marine

resources and the environment. Ecosystem Based Man-

agement forms the basis for marine monitoring, assess-

ment and planning approaches in the Sustainable Seas


The Sustainable Seas Programme also supports the UNEP

Regional Seas Programme and the UN World Ocean As-

sessment (WOA). It is working to combine the expert elici-

tation method into the UN WOA process with templates

and indicators that are currently being tested and further

developed in the Programme.

West-Africa and the Abidjan convention is selected as

the geographical pilot area in the Sustainable Seas Pro-

gramme. This based on the possibility of further collabo-

ration in the area where GRID-Arendal has established

experience through the Shelf programme, and ensuring

maintenance and re-purposing of the West African Liai-

son Committee.