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Revised 8/2016


(First Name) , you have been elected a director

and will serve in this capacity for the next three years.

This honor has been conferred upon you because of

your interest in Ruritan and your reputation for sound


Your duties, along with the duties of other officers,

are explained in the Club and District Officers’ Handbook.

Your duties include the following:

1. Attend monthly meetings of club board of directors.

2. Help formulate club policies and see that they are

carried out.

3. See that club meeting procedures prescribed in the

bylaws are followed.

4. Promote increased club membership and

organization of new clubs in nearby communities.

I congratulate you and am happy to install you as

director of the Ruritan Club for the next

three years.


(First Name) , you have been elected treasurer of

your club for the coming year. Your duties are explained

in the Treasurer’s Handbook and Club Officers’ Handbook.

Your duties include the following:

1. Collect promptly all membership dues and other

monies owed to the club.

2. Deposit all funds in a bank approved by the club

board of directors.

3. Pay promptly, by check as duly authorized, all

obligations of the club.

4. Account for all financial transactions at monthly

meetings of the club board of directors and the club.

5. Report on delinquent dues at club board of

directors’ meetings.

6. Submit books for audit as requested by the club

board of directors.

I congratulate you and am happy to install you as

treasurer of the Ruritan Club.



First Name) , you have been elected secretary of

your club for the coming year.

Your duties are set forth in the Secretary’s Handbook

and Officers’ Handbook. The records you keep become

the official, legal, and historical documents of this club.

These include a complete record of monthly club and club

Remind the club secretary to send in the New Club Officers form found in the

Secretary’s Handbook. This form should be sent to the Ruritan National Office

immediately after the election of club officers each year.

Procedures for Installing Club Officers



The person in charge of the installation ceremony

should include the following:

1. Make introductory remarks.

2. Request new officers to come forward.

3. Install each officer individually.

4. Call each officer by name and office.

5. Summarize the responsibilities of each officer.

6. Formally install each officer with a handshake and


7. Present the newly installed president with a pin,

gavel, or other symbol of office.

8. Challenge club members to support the new officers.

NOTE: The Ruritan in charge of the installation

ceremony should not read or refer to notes, but should

“use their own words,” using the following as a guide.

It is not necessary to memorize everything word for

word. It is better to speak a few lines for each officer

with conviction and in the speaker’s own words, than

a dozen lines memorized using the words of another

person. The entire ceremony should not last more than

ten minutes.


Club members, these Ruritans will lead your club

during the coming year. You have placed upon them a

great responsibility. I know that you have confidence

in them and that under their leadership, your club will

continue to go forward. Incoming officers, your fellow

club members have not only honored you, and placed

upon you a great responsibility; but more importantly,

they have given you an opportunity to serve your


As Ruritan officers and members, we are dedicated

to one purpose—doing everything we can to make our

community an ideal place in which to live. Your Ruritan

club is a tool, which if used properly, can make a great

contribution toward that worthy goal.

It now becomes my pleasure to install these Ruritans

you have honored

