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at 250 Hz is related to larger temporal bone measure-

ments. When controlling for PTA and midpoint temporal

bone measurements, the correlation between hearing

loss at 250 Hz and the likelihood of progression is weak-

ened, thus showing that the strength of temporal bone

measurements is an indicator of progression. Overall,

our data indicate that hearing levels at 250 Hz alone

may be a sensitive clinical indicator in patients with

EVA. Our data support the findings of Boston et al.,


which showed a similar correlation in ears with a mixed

hearing loss between 250 and 1,000 Hz.

As discussed by Zhou et al.,


the etiology of low-

frequency, predominantly mixed hearing loss is uncer-

tain. Increased intralabyrinthine fluid pressure or a

possible third inner ear window phenomenon has been

proposed as an etiology for this hearing loss. The rela-

tionships shown in the current study between temporal

bone measurements, hearing loss progression, and hear-

ing loss at 250 Hz may support the abovementioned

etiologic theory that larger vestibular aqueducts cause

increased inner ear fluid pressure; in turn, fluid pres-

sure may lead to a high rate of progression and the

presence of hearing loss at 250 Hz.

Patients with bilateral EVA had a significantly

higher likelihood of having


mutations and of

having Pendred syndrome than did patients with unilat-

eral EVA. Our analysis of the ears of patients with

hearing loss revealed that mutations were present at a

higher rate in patients with bilateral EVA than in those

with unilateral EVA. The presence of mutations overall

did not increase the likelihood of progressive hearing

loss or the severity of hearing loss in either EVA group.

Specifically, in the ears of patients with bilateral EVA

and hearing loss, the presence of mutations increased

the likelihood of hearing loss progression. These findings

support previously published data


indicating that sin-

gle mutations contribute to the EVA phenotype. These

single mutations, together with other as yet undeter-

mined mutations, are thought to be responsible for the

hearing loss phenotype.


The audiometric phenotype was similar in patients

with unilateral and bilateral EVA. Because of the rela-

tively high rate of hearing loss progression in patients

with unilateral EVA, we feel that it is prudent to recom-

mend close audiometric monitoring. Families and patients

should be made aware of the possibility that a unilateral

imaging finding does not necessarily signify that the pro-

cess occurring within the membranous labyrinth is a

unilateral process and that the development of bilateral

hearing loss is quite common. Additionally, they should be

advised that


testing is a valuable diagnostic

adjunct in the evaluation of all patients with EVA.

Our study has several limitations. Given that all of

our data were based on previously collected imaging and

audiometric results, biases may have been introduced

regarding how data were entered into the database and

which patients were included in the database. Children

who did not receive an imaging study of the inner ear did

not meet our inclusion criteria, thus making the true prev-

alence of unilateral EVA in the total population of children

with SNHL difficult to assess. Also, we examined only

EVA and did not investigate other less common temporal

bone anomalies. Further study may thus be warranted to

determine the possible role of such anomalies in the hear-

ing loss phenotype of patients with EVA.


Children with unilateral EVA have a significant risk

of hearing loss progression. Hearing loss in the ear contra-

lateral to the EVA is common, suggesting that unilateral

EVA is a bilateral process despite an initial unilateral

imaging finding. In contrast to bilateral EVA, unilateral

EVA is not associated with Pendred syndrome, but may

have a different etiology. Clinicians should become

knowledgeable regarding the implications of this disease

process so that families can be counseled appropriately.


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Laryngoscope 123: June 2013

Greinwald et al.: Unilateral Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct