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wiredInUSA - April 2014


Indonesian state-owned electricity company

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) will spend

$5.24 billion on improving power transmission

facilities in Sumatra.

Minister for state-owned enterprises Dahlan

Iskan confirmed that PLN will work on the

project with other five state-owned firms.

Sumatra has, for years, experienced frequent

blackouts due to the island’s inadequate

power facilities.

“We will have further meetings about the

project. The idea is how to build transmission

from electricity-surplus areas in southern

Sumatra to the north,” said M Aprindy,

corporate secretary of PT Adhi Karya, one of

the partner companies.

Details of the scaleof the transmission network

have not been confirmed.

PLN’s operations director for Java, Bali and

Sumatra, IGN Adnyana said the Medan area

in North Sumatra suffers electricity supply

shortages; demand for electricity in the area

reaches 1,700MW during peak hours while

the supply is only 1,450MW.

“Currently a number of power plants are

under construction in Palembang [South

Sumatra], which will be completed by

2016. When the plants are completed, the

transmission network will help the north of

the island. The transmission network will be a

long-term plan,” he said.

PLN’sdirector forconstruction,Nasri Sebayang

has said that the company is looking at 25

projects to be completed this year under a

fast-track program, offering a total capacity

of 3,539MW.


Sumatran grid improvements