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ENTSOG now has to take the

responsibility for ensuring that

the codes work as intended

General Manager’s


A Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP)

incorporating cost-benefit analysis (CBA) method-

ology to support the Project of Common Interest

(PCI) selection was published in 2015 for the first

time. The third phase of the Gas Regional In­

vestment Plans and the report on Transparency

Guidelines added new documents that increased

the cooperation with stakeholders. The early imple-

mentation of CAM and BAL Network Codes (NCs)

brought us first insights on how they are working.

In July, ENTSOG delivered a revised version of TAR

Network Code as well as the Amendment on Incre-

mental Capacity to CAM Network Code. Since

ACER did not agree to a common opinion on

TAR NC, the European Commission took over the

continued code development in October. ENTSOG

was still involved but in a more consultative role.

After having successfully developed the main part

of gas network codes over the previous years,

ENTSOG must now take responsibility for ensuring

that the codes work as intended. We have labelled

this the Functionality Process. This process was

The year 2015 was another challenging year for ENTSOG. Together with the

already envisaged deliverables, new activities from ACER and the European

Commission required our attention.


General Manager, ENTSOG

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ENTSOG Annual Report 2015