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Countryside Alliance Ireland

Welcome to the first edition of Countryside Alliance Ireland’s

‘Grassroots’. We are delighted to feature articles from a

variety of contributors which we hope you will enjoy and find


The past few months have kept the team at CAI busy; not only

with our administrative and lobbying duties but November

also saw the relocation of the NI office. We were pleased to

have a smooth transition and have settled in well to our new


Firearms Licensing

The main issue for our members continues to centre on

firearms licensing; this being the case for both NI and the

Republic. We have been very active in this regard and

have engaged extensively with the relevant government

departments and representatives.

On 29 April we attended a meeting hosted by the Justice

Minister, Frances Fitzgerald, in Dublin. The purpose of

the meeting was to engage with key stakeholders to outline

the Interim Report and to discuss the firearms licensing

recommendations contained therein. We reiterated our

recommendation that a centralised licensing system should

be established which would help end the inconsistent

approach that we currently see. In addition, CAI supported

the act of ballistic testing for all short firearms but insisted

the cost should be borne by An Garda Síochána, as it is in NI

by the PSNI. The Minister will now consider what has been

voiced and discuss with her officials on the way forward.

In NI, we have also met with various government officials

and at the time of going to press we are scheduled to present

evidence to the Justice Committee at Stormont on 28 May.

We sincerely hope the ongoing impasse can be mitigated.

Unfortunately, it seems to be a never ending round of to’ing

and fro’ing with no positive result or benefit when all we are

asking for is a fair and just firearms licensing system that will

work for all parties. CAI together with other like minded

organisations, has made recommendations to the PSNI and

Justice Department based on sound, reasonable evidence

and facts but to no avail as yet. We are, however, thankful

to the political representatives who have shown their

unswerving support for us in respect of these issues.

We shall await with avid interest any developments and as

always, will keep you updated via our website, facebook

page, twitter and eroutes.

Informing Politicians

The Alliance Party in NI have once again shown their

contempt for our rural way of life by tabling a Private

Members Motion which categorises the use of wild animals

in circuses with hunting, snares and the use of electronic

dog collars. In response we have written to all MLAs

asking them to vote against this Motion should it ever

arise. In our correspondence, we included some additional

information on wildlife management methods, in the hope

that some of our political representatives might become

more educated and informed in matters they may not have

dealt with before. We also sent this information to all of

the Councillors in the newly formed council areas; many of

whom may go on to become MLAs in the future.

We cannot expect all of our political representatives to be

experts in the field of country sports and vermin control

and therefore our aim was to hopefully offer information

that was useful and to open lines of communication for the



CAI membership numbers continue to prosper and we are

thankful for your continued support.

We are very mindful that in these times of austerity everyone

has to control their expenditure wisely and we are pleased

to have been able to keep our membership subscriptions at

the same rate as last year. We strive to bring you the most

competitive, unrivalled and comprehensive membership

insurance package available and hope you have found your

dealings with the CAI team to be courteous and professional

at all times.

Whilst we could not survive without our members’

subscriptions to help fund the work of CAI, we are also

extremely grateful for your emails and social media interaction

Summer 2015



by Lyall

Plant, Chief



