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The Pierz family has been

involved with the pilgrimage ministry

since 1987. For many years the

company has been known as

Andrew’s Pilgrimages and Tours,

directed by Andrew Pierz. During

these years, we have built a

US business as well as a sister

organization in Poland. In 2013,

our US ministry incorporated under

the name John Paul Pilgrimages

and Tours. JPPT is a family owned

and operated continuation of

over 25 years of experience in

Andrew’s ministry. We draw upon his

knowledge and experience with every

group we organize.

The family has an even closer

bond to this holy undertaking in that

Mrs. Pierz attended Holy Masses

with then-Cardinal Karol Wojtyła in

Kraków, Poland as a young child.

Some two decades later, Mr. and

Mrs. Pierz gave their sons, Michael

and Mark, the most breathtaking

The Pierz family has been blessed to lead over 100,000 people on

pilgrimage since 1987. Our sister company in Poland is one of the country’s

top three leading pilgrimage organizations!

Our Ministry

opportunity, to meet Pope John

Paul II themselves. They met and

spoke with him not only once, but

several times! Michael entered the

seminary and was formed at the

Pontifical North American College in

Rome, Italy. He was ordained to the

Priesthood in 2013. Fr. Michael further

studied Canon Law at the Pontifical

Gregorian University in Rome.

Mark spent several years in Law

Enforcement where his passion and

leadership led him to quickly climb

ranks and hold many highly respected

positions. In 2013 he left the field to

dedicate his passion to his wife and

children, and the family ministry. The

Pierz family has a rich history, full of

Polish culture and a close relationship

to the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

We want you to have an

awakening of spirit, a rejuvenation

of faith, and the peace and grace of

the Holy Spirit with you when you

travel with us. We do not rush our

pilgrims through the song and dance

rhetoric of a ‘typical tour’ where you

listen to someone tell you about the

construction dates and time period

related to the various chapels, shrines,

and historical sites all while driving by

in a bus as quickly as possible. Our

trips are not vacations, or sightseeing

tours. A pilgrimage is the time for your

parishioners to reflect, grow closer

to our Lord, and learn the history of

their faith while experiencing different

cultures and making new friends. Our

guides share a wealth of knowledge

with you, but you will still have time for

yourselves, time to pray and reflect,

and of course, time to go out on your

own if you like. We will provide an

exclusive experience with your friends,

family, and fellow parishioners. We

celebrate Holy Mass every day, most

often in the very chapel or place we

are visiting. This truly is the encounter

of a lifetime.

A pilgrimage is a journey