Welcome Back Tennis Party by Marleen Hacker
The “Welcome Back Vintage Tennis Party” was held on Saturday, November 19. It
was early in the season, so a lot of the “regulars” hadn't yet arrived, but for those who
attended, it was a fun event. Tikki and Kristin wore vintage clothing, while most
players were dressed in white. Many even came with their old vintage wooden tennis
racquets. Following tennis, drinks and a bountiful dinner was served by the Fitness
Center Pool. It was another beautiful Florida evening.
Thanks to all who made this a lovely evening and to those who attended. Special
recognition to our very talented caddies who played “the other sport” that day.
Look for more activities, whether it be tennis, pickleball, or bocce ball. Tikky and
Kristen have planned a very exciting season for all levels.
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