Pre-PCI beta-blockers offer no clinical benefit
arly intravenous administration
of the beta-blocker metoprolol
before primary percutaneous
coronary intervention in patients
with ST-segment elevation myocar-
dial infarction (STEMI) was safe
but did not reduce infarct size in
the randomised, placebo-controlled
Early-BAMI trial.
No difference was seen in infarct
size, as measured by magnetic reso-
nance imaging at 30 days, between
336 patients with STEMI who pre-
sented within 12 hours of symptom
onset and were randomised to re-
ceive intravenous metoprolol (2 vials
with 5 mg) before undergoing angio-
plasty, and 347 such patients who
received placebo (left ventricular
volume, 15.3% and 14.9%, respec-
tively), Dr Vincent Roolvinkof Isala
Hospital, Zwolle, the Netherlands,
reported at the annual meeting of
the American College of Cardiology.
No differences were seen be-
tween the groups for the secondary
endpoints of blood flow from the
left ventricle or levels of cardiac
enzymes, Dr Roolvink noted.
Further, while significantly fewer
cases of ventricular arrhythmia oc-
curred in the metoprolol patients
(3.6% vs 6.9%), this difference was
not clinically significant, he said.
No significant differences were
seen with respect to safety end-
points, including abnormally slow
heart rate, low blood pressure, or
cardiogenic shock.
The Early-BAMI subjects had
a mean age of 62 years, and most
(75%) were men. They were enrolled
at centres throughout the Nether-
lands and Spain.
“In this nonrestricted STEMI
population, early intravenous meto-
prolol before primary percutaneous
intervention did not reduce infarct
size,” Dr Roolvink said, noting that
the findings follow conflicting re-
sults from prior studies, with some
suggesting that beta-blockers could
reduce heart attack severity or im-
prove blood flow from the left ven-
tricle when given to STEMI patients
prior to angioplasty.
However only one randomised
trial took place in the primary per-
cutaneous coronary intervention era,
and that trial –METOCARD-CNIC
(Effect of Metoprolol in Cardiopro-
tection During anAcute Myocardial
Infarction) – involved only patients
with STEMIs involving the anterior
wall of the left ventricle (
J Am Coll
Early-BAMI (The Effect of Early
Administration of Intravenous Beta
Blockers in Patients with ST-eleva-
tion Myocardial Infarction Before
Primary Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention) was the first double
blind, placebo-controlled interna-
tional multicentre study to test this
“Our results do not confirm the
effect observed in the METO-
CARD-CNIC trial,” Dr Roolvink
He noted, however, that the
current findings are limited by the
fact that study subjects had lower
than expected overall heart attack
Additional large randomised trials
are needed to clarify whether early
beta-blocker treatment is of benefit
before angioplasty in STEMI pa-
tients. The safety profile, low cost
of beta-blocker administration, and
the reduction of acute malignant
arrhythmias among those receiv-
ing beta-blocker treatment in the
current trial should encourage the
performance of additional larger
trials, he said.
The findings were simultane-
ously published online (
J Am Coll
2016 Apr 3. doi:10.1016/j.
Early-BAMI was funded by the Dutch
Heart Foundation and Medtronic.
Dr Roolvink reported having no dis-
Additional large randomised
trials are needed to clarify
whether early beta-blocker
treatment is of benefit
before angioplasty in
STEMI patients.
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Vol. 13 • No. 1 • 2016 •
ACC 2016