V o l . 77. N o . 7.
S e p t e mb er 1983
Law Society of Northern Ireland
Opening of New Premises.
During August 1983 the Law Society of Northern Ireland moved premises from the Royal courts of Justice to Law
Society House. 90 - 106 Victoria Street. Belfast. The new premises, acquired in January 1981. were officially open-
ed on Monday 5th September by Lord Lowry. Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland.Facilities include the Society's
offices, library, and limited conference and consultation accomodation. The premises also house the Northern
Law Club. Attending the opening ceremony were I., to K. Mr. Michael P. Houlihan. President of the Incorporated
Law Society of Ireland: Mr. W. A. Logan. President of the Law Society of Northern Ireland: Lord Lowry. Lord
Chief Justice of Northern Ireland: Lord Hailsham. Lord Chancellor: Mr. A. F. Mcllwain. President of the Law
Society of Scotland and Mr. Christopher Hewetson. President of the Law Society of F.nuland and W ales.