Register A.
SOLICITOR, sole principal of large well-established Firm in
Southern town, contemplates retiring on the grounds of age,
and is willing to offer a partnership in, with a view to an
ultimate sale of his practice. Only Candidates with at least
three years experience need apply.
A sound knowledge
of Conveyancing essential.
Capital desirable. Replies will
be dealt with in strictest confidence and should be sent to
The Secretary, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Register B.
LADY SOLICITOR having experience in Conveyancing, Land
Registry, Probate and General Office work in the country
and Dublin desires change. Box 8205.
SOLICITOR (blind), admitted June 1955 ;
experience so far
mainly Probate but also anxious to extend practical knowledge
in other branches ;
seeks Assistantship, preferably Dublin.
H. Studdcrt, Clonderlaw, Enniskcrry, Co. Wicklow.
Register C.
FOR SALE Hallsbury's Laws of England, 30 volumes including
Index. G. H. Sargint & Co., Cahir, Co. Tipperary.
SPANISH student in Vigo, Spain, wishes to exchange temporary
residences with Irish student wishing to come to Spain.
For further particulars apply to Box No. Ci4y.
COLONEL MICHAEL GOOLD ADAMS, late of No. 10 Fitzwilliam
Square, E. Dublin who died on zSth May 1875. Will any
person having information as to the original or copy Will
and Probate of above please communicate with Barry M.
O'Meara & Co., Solicitors, 38, St. Stephens Green, Dublin,
and 18, South Mall, Cork.
JOHN POWER, late of Brown Street, Portlaw, County Waterford
and York Street, Dublin. Will any Solicitor holding a Will
or Wills of the above-named Deceased, which might have
been made during the year 1954, please communicate with the
undersigned Solicitor for the next-of-kin. M. M. Halley,
Solicitor, Waterford.
Registration of Title Acts, 1891 and 1942
Issue of Duplicate Land Certificate.
APPLICATIONS have been, received from the registered
owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed hereto,
for the issue of Certificates of Title in substitution
for the original Certificates issued in respect of the
lands specified in the ssid Schedule, which original
Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or in
advertently destroyed.
A duplicate Certificate will be issued in each case,
except a case in respect of which notification is
received in this Registry within 28 days from the
publication of this notice, that the Certificate of
Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some
person other than the registered owner. Any such
notification should state the grounds on which
such Certificate is being held.
Dated the 28th day of May, 1956.
Registrar of Titles.
Central Office,
Land Registry,
Chancery Street,
1. Registered Owner Annie M. O'Brien, Folio
number 10549.
County Meath.
Lands of
the Barony of Deece Upper
containing 8a. zr. up.
2. Registered Owner Michael Lane.
Number 47.
County Limerick.
(i) 68a.
3ft lop. of the lands of Ballinloughane and
(2) 253. 31-. 25p. of the lands of Ballyan in
the Barony of Shanid.