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The following was among the business transacted :

Commission paid to solicitor's clerk

ON an application from a member for a waiver under

regulation 9 of the Professional Practice Regulations

to enable him to remunerate his managing clerk

partly by a commission on business introduced by

the latter, the Council decided that such an agreement

would be illegal under section 62 of the Solicitors'

Act, 1954, and that the Professional Practice Regula

tions do not enable the Council to exempt solicitors

from the application of the section.

Search Fee

A MEMBER held a deed of assignment prepared in

1932 in respect of which no costs were due by the

client who consulted another solicitor who was

authorised to take up the document.


claimed a fee of £i is. to cover correspondence and

transmission of the document and the question was

raised as to his obligation to hand over the document

and his right to claim the fee. The Council ruled

that the case is covered by opinion 90 printed at

page 513 of the 1956 Calendar and Law Directory

and that member should hand over the deed of

assignment to the client's present solicitor without

payment of any search or other fee.


AN Ordinary General Meeting ot the Society was

held in the Library, Solicitors' Buildings, Four

Courts, Dublin on Thursday, 24th November,


The President, Mr. Thomas A. O'Reilly,

took the Cnair.

The notice convening the meeting was taken as


Tne minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting

of the Society held on i3th May, 1955 and the

Special General Meeting held on I3th May, 1955

and ist June, 195 5 were read, confirmed and signed.

Mr. Desmond Moran moved and Mr. Eunan

McCarron seconded the adoption of the audited

accounts and balance sheet.

The motion was

adopted and the President signed the balance sheet.

Messrs. Kevans & Sons were re-appointed as

the Society's auditors.

The Secretary read the report of the scrutineers

of the ballot for the election of the Council and

provincial delegates for the year 1955-56.


report stated that for the office of provincial dele

gate the following had been returned unopposed :

—Ulster, Derrick M. Martin; Munster, John J.

Dundon ; Leinster, Reginald J. Nolan ; Connaught,

Christopher E. Callan.

The foregoing were declared duly elected.

The result of the ballot for the 31 ordinary

members of the Council and the supplemental

list was as follows :—

Henry St. J. Blake, 541; Arthur Cox, 520;

Thomas A. O'Reilly, 514; Dermot P. Shaw, 511 ;

Joseph Barrett, 506 ; John Carrigan, 487 ; Cornelius

J. Daly, 478 ;

Joseph P. Tyrrell, 477; John R.

Halpin, 473 ; Desmond J. Collins, 453 ;

John J.

Nash, 452; William J. Norman, 447; Patrick R,

Boyd, 445 ; Niall S. Gaffney, 438; Francis J.

Lanigan, 432; Peter E. O'Connell, 431; Patrick

F. O'Reilly, 430 ; Charles J. Downing, 429 ; Scan

O hUadhaigh, 428;

John J. Sheil, 418;


J. O'Connor, 414; Francis J. Gearty, 394; George

G. Overend, 393 ; Francis X. Burke, 383 ; Desmond

J. Mayne, 380; Terence de Vere White, 374;

George Nolan, 370 ; Ralph J. Walker, 370 ; Francis

J. Gallagher, 366; Robert Me D. Taylor, 335;

James R. Quirke, 334;

Supplemental List:

John Matter, 328; William

J. Comerford, 297; Patrick Noonan, 284.

The President declared the foregoing members

of the Society duly elected to the Council and the

supplemental list in accordance with the Scrutineers'


The following candidates received the number

of votes placed after their names :—

David R. Pigot, 276 ; Christopher Gore Grimes,

257; Nathaniel Lacy, 249;

John J. O'Dwyer,

222 ; James V. Aitken, 216 ;

James A. Kelly, 212 ;

Lydon G. Carr Lett, 202 ; T. Finbarr O'Reilly, 198 ;

Gerald S. O'Rourke, 198 ; Edmund S. Doyle, 197;

Maurice E. Veale, 196; Gerard M. Doyle, 163;

Peadar Cowan, 133.

The President moving the adoption of the report

of the Council said :— Ladies and Gentlemen;

since our last Meeting, death has taken its toll

and we regret the passing of Alfred S. Machin,

James Vincent Brady, John T. Doyle, Scan Nolan

and Edmond R. McDonnell all of Dublin, Ezekiel

D. Wiley, Waterford, Thomas Shields of Athenry,

Co. Galway, George Murnaghan of Omagh, Co.

Tyrone who at the time of his death was an ex

traordinary member of the Council and Thomas

D. Vance of Bailieborough, Co. Cavan. To their

relatives we offer our sincere sympathy.

At our last meeting I intimated that the Council

were engaged in making various regulations under

the Solicitors' Act 1954 and since then the following

regulations have been made:—

Apprenticeship and Education Regulations.

Professional Practice Conduct and Discipline


Solicitor's Accounts Regulations.