the workshop were: to increase capacities of officials
concerning WFD requirements, with the specific fo-
cus on monitoring; to exchange knowledge and ex-
periences between EU and non-EU riparian countries
(e.g. Slovakia, Ukraine, Austria); to share procedures
and lessons learned in the Danube River Basin and
its tributaries; to provide key tools and methods for
increasing preparedness and response in cases of
emergency (e.g. the Danube River Basin, Lake Con-
stance); and to strengthen cooperation between the
Druksiai Lake Basin protagonists.
Green Economy and Sustainable Tourism
• In early 2012, methodological and educational mate-
rial on payment for ecosystem services was published
as part of the Vital Graphics series The publication
highlights the concept and selected market segments
relating to payments for ecosystem services and em-
phasises the role natural capital can play in both en-
vironmental conservation and in poverty alleviation. It
also highlights the potential benefits of ecosystem-
based economic development in an accessible, non-
technical manner.
• A second publication in the vital graphics series was
produced jointly with UNEP early in the year, the Bio-
fuels Vital Graphics. The report – which was present-
ed at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi,
UAE in January 2012 – visualizes opportunities, the
need for safeguards, and the options that help ensure
sustainability of biofuels as a cornerstone for a Green
Economy. Case studies from around the world are
highlighted to exemplify possible approaches, les-
sons learned, risks and opportunities.
• GRID-Arendal participated with an exhibition stand at
the Sustainable Destinations Conference organized
by Innovasjon Norge in Røros in January. The mes-
sage of the Minister of Commerce that Norway is aim-
ing to become the most sustainable tourist destina-
tion in the world may give GRID-Arendal opportunities
for closer cooperation with Innovasjon Norge, which
handles most of the tourism budget of the Ministry.
In the context of identifying further cases of tour-
ism supporting protected areas (Linking Tourism &
Conservation (LT&C)) GRID-Arendal had established
valuable relationships to “Responsible Travel”, a spe-
cialized British travel agency, which connects to hun-
dreds of LT&C cases and provides annual awards for
most responsible travel destinations and companies.
• From 23 to 28 April 2012, 21 young people from 15
European countries participated in the Wadden Sea
Climate Training, and got the opportunity to experi-
ence first-hand the world’s most important inter-tidal
zone on the frontline of climate change. The training,
organised by the British Council in collaboration with
experts from GRID-Arendal and with the support of
Youth in Action, was held in Langeness, a low-lying
island in the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer
National Park (Germany).