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APRIL 1 9 88

Professional I n f orma t i on

Land Registry —

issue of New

Land Cer t i f icate

R e g i s t r a t i on of T i t le A c t , 1 9 6 4

An application has been received from the

registered o w n e rs me n t i o n ed in the

Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land

Certificate in substitution for the original

Land Certificate as stated to have been lost

or i n a d v e r t e n t ly d e s t r o y e d. A n ew

Certificate will be issued unless notification

is received in the Registry within twenty-

eight days from the date of publication of

this notice that the original Certificate is in

existence and in the custody of some person

other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on

which the Certificate is being held.

1 5th day of April, 1988.

J. B. Fitzgerald (Registrar of Titles)

Central Office, Land Registry, (Clárlann na

Talún), Chancery Street, Dublin 7.


M a r t i n Kelly, Ballindrumlea, Castlerea, Co.

Roscommon. Folio No.: 1 6 7 63 Lands: (1)

Ballindrumlea; (2) Ballindrumlea; Area: (1)

7 a . 0 r. 3 6 p .; (2) 9 a . 2 r . 7 p .;

C o u n t y:

R O S C O M M O N.

T h o m a s K i e r n an of Springlawn, Granard,

Co. Longford. Folio No.: 222R and 9 4 59

revised to 1833F. Lands: (a) Carragh; (2)

Grassyard; (3) Carragh; (4) Ballynacross; (5)

Ballinrad (Glebe); Area: (1) 14.013 acres; (2)

9 . 1 88 acres; (3) 4 . 3 06 acres; (4) 3 1 . 8 44



7 . 0 3 1


C o u n t y:


T o b i as H a l p in of Kilbaylet, Donard, Co.

Wicklow. Folio No.: 4092; Lands: (DCarrig;

(2) Sroughan; Area: (1) 2a.1r.32p.; (2)

31 a.2r.2p.; County: W I C K L OW.

H e n ry J e n n i n gs of Cliffin, Killinkere,

Virginia, Co. Cavan. Folio No.: 17025;

Lands: Galloncurra; Area:


County: C A V A N .

J o h n P. Healy Rae a nd J u l ie Healy Rae,

Main St., Kilgarvan, Co. Kerry. Folio No.:

1994; Lands: Gortnaboul; Area: 5a.0r.28p.;

County: KERRY.

J o h n a n d T i m o t hy Carey, both of Barna,

Dunkerrin, Birr, Co. Offaly. Folio No.: (1)

971, (2) 973; (3) 7898; Lands: (1) Ballyrihy;

(2) Ballyrihy; (3) Ballyrihy; Area: (1)

37a.2r.3p.; (2) 1 1a.3r.10p.; (3) 26a.2r.4p.;

(4) 2a.2r.20p.; County: OF F A L Y.

P a t r i ck R e y n o l d s, Muingwore, Corballa,

Co. Sligo. Folio No.: 1 2 8 6 7; Lands:

Muingwore; Area: 32a.2r.14p.; County:


Eileen A d m a n s a n d B r i d g et A d m a n s

of 8 St. Brendans Terrace, Thurles, Co.

Tipperary. Folio No.: 1 2 9 6 L; Lands:

Thurles/Townparks; County: T I P P ERARY.

W i l l i am Dillane of Kilkinlea, Abbeyfeale, Co.

Limerick. Folio No.: 1761; Lands: Killinlea;

Area: 5a.1r.12p.; County: L I M E R I C K.

T h o m a s C l a r ke of 57 St. Clares Rd.,

Governey Park, Carlow. Folio No.: 709L;

Lands: 57 St. Clares Road; County:


P a t r i ck D o h e r ty of Corraine, Welchtown,

via Lifford, Co. Donegal. Folio No.: 4 6 0 7;

Lands: Corraine (part); Area: 8a.2r.25p.;

County: D O N E G A L.

E d w a r d C a n n o n, Raherneen, Kiltulla,

Athenry, Co. Galway. Folio No.: 3 6 2 8 0;

Lands: (1) Caherakilleen; (2) Laragh; (3)



S k e a g h a r e g a n;


Skeagharegan; (6) Skeagharegan; Area: (1)

41a.0r.32p.; (2) 2a.1r.25p.; (3) 19a.3r.35p.;

(4) 3a.1r.34p.; (5) 3a.0r.7p.; (6) 2a.0r.23p.;

County: GALWAY.

F r e d e r i ck W. S t i l l m a n, Folio No.: 11322;

Lands: Gormanstown; Area: 0.486 hectares

(1a.Or.32p.); County: M E A T H.

D u n n e ,

B e r n a r d ,

C a r p e n t e r s t o w n,

Castleknock, Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 6441F;

County: D U B L I N.

Philip Priestly c/o Edmond Hayes, Solicitor,

20 South Mall, Cork. Folio No.: 42061;

Lands: Burgatia; Area: 0a.2r.0p.; County:


M a r g u e r i t e

L a ne


I n c h i t o t a n e,

Newmarket, Co. Cork. Folio No.: 2 2 8 4 0;

Lands: Inchantotane; Area: 50a.1r.6p.;

County: COR K.

P h y l l is B l a x l a nd (Sister of Charity),

Frances H e s k in (Sister of Charity), M a r y

Barry (Sister of Charity), J o s e p h i ne Garvey

(Sister of Charity), Mount Saint Annes,

Milltown, Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 3797;

County: D U B L I N.

C a t h e r i n e

T h e r e sa

L i n e h a n


Killeendaniel, Whitechurch, Co. Cork. Folio

No.: 3 5 0 5 2; Lands: Killeendaniel; Area:

2a.2r.26p.; County: CORK.

T h o m a s Cu l l e n, Clonkieffy, Oldcastle, Co.

Meath. Folio No.: 9078; Lands: Clonkeiffy;

Area: 49a.3r.18p.; County: CAVAN.

C o r n e l i us L y n ch of Gurteen, Bantry, Co.

Cork. Folio No.: 2283; Lands: Aghagooheen;

Area: 47a.0r.0p.; County: COR K.

Elizabeth a n d D o m i n ic Feely both of

Patrick St., Tullamore, Co. Offaly. Folio No.:

2876F; Lands: Fortyacres; County: OFFALY.

Richard J. a n d M r s. Ma r i an Ca n n o n, both

of Flemington, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Folio

No.: DN.057535F; Lands: (1) Balscadden; (2)

Flemingtown; Area: (1) 4 . 8 05 hectares; (2)

24a.1r.34p.; County: D U B L I N.

Da n i el B r e en of Clonribbon, Kanturk, Co.

Cork. Folio No.: 2845; Lands: Clonrobin;

Area: 42a.0r.39p.; County: CORK.

M o s t Rev. Dr. T h o m as M o r r is of The

Palace, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Vary Rev.

Francis Ryan, Thurles, Co. Tipperary; and

Very Rev. E d m o n d Ryan of Lattin, Co.

Tipperary. Folio No.: 3 5 0 5 4 ; Lands:

Deerpark; Area: 2a.2r.17p.; C o u n t y:


W i l l i am Berkerry of Lackabrack, Killoscully,

Newport, Co. Tipperary. Folio No.: 3 3 4 4 5;

Lands: (1) Lackabrack; (2) Lackabrack; Area:

(1) 3 4 . 9 04 acres; (2) 9.738 acres;; County:


R o n a ld G i b bs of 83 Lakelands Close,

Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 13141L;

Lands: Townland of Kilmacud East, Barony

of Rathdown; Area: 0.3 hectares; County:

D U B L I N.

J o h n P. C l a r ke & M a r y Clarke, both of

Tullyallen, Drogheda, Co. Louth. Folio No.:

434F; Lands: Donore; Area: 0a.1r.26p.;

County: M E A T H.

J o h n M c E n r oe of Drumbarry, Kilnaleck, Co.

Cavan. Folio No.: 2271; Lands: Drumbarry;

Area: 17a.3r.30p.; County: CAVAN.

P a t r i ck J o s e ph O ' D o n n e l l, Slattamore,

Ruskey, Dromod, Co. Roscommon. Folio No.

3 95 (Rev.); Lands: Slattaghmore; Area: 29a.

1r. 33p.; County: R O S C O M M O N.

Lost Ti t le


I N T HE M A T T ER OF the Registration of

Titles Act 1964 and of the application of LEO

GIBBONS in respect of property 55 Clancy

Road, Finglas, Dublin.

TAKE NOTICE that Leo Gibbons of 55

Clancy Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 has lodged

an Application for registration on the

Freehold Register free from encumbrances

in respect of the above mentioned property.

The original documents of title specified

in the Schedule hereto are stated to have

been lost or mislaid.

The Application will be proceeded w i th

unless notification is received in the Registry

within one calendar month from the date of

publication of this Notice that the original

documents of Title are in existence. Any

such notification should state the grounds

on which the documents of title are held and

quote Reference No. 8 7 DN 0 2 4 5 6. The

missing documents are detailed in the

schedule hereto.

Dated the 16th February, 1988.


S c h e d u le

Original Deed of Assignment dated 28 May,

1963, Ronald Bailey and others to Leo Gibbons.

Lost Ti t le Deeds

J A M E S H I G G I N S, d e c e e s e d. Would any

firm of solicitors holding title deeds in the

name of James Higgins w i th respect to

Uncle Tom's Cabin, Black Rock, Dundalk, Co.

Louth; 61 Melrose St., Belfast; 276 Donegall

Avenue, Belfast; Lands at Ligoniel; Cottages

at Newcastle or any other properties, please

contact Mr. T. Anderson at O'Reilly Stewart,

Solicitors, 119 Donegall St., Belfast. Tel. No.

Belfast: 322512.