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MAY 1 988

" I don 't mu ch care where," said


" T h e n it doesn't mu ch matter

wh i ch way you go," said the cat.

Robert Parsons said t hat many

solicitors were like that at the

momen t. They had no idea wh at

image they wan t ed to portray or

whe re they were going. He said

t hat this contrasted sharply w i t h

our compe t i t o rs w h o were in-

creasingly p r omo t i ng an image to

the public t hat they were the

people w h o cou ld help in all

situations and should be the first

port of call. He urged us to give

careful t h o u g ht to the image we

portray and to spend t ime creating

good first impressions and sustain-

ing this t h r oughout the transaction

by " g o i ng the extra m i l e" for the


John Loosemore and Robert

Parsons ended by talking about a

corporate advertising campa i gn

and urged the Law Society to con-

sider this. They believed it should

have several key elements. First, it

would stress that solicitors can give

a total service; second, t hat t hey

can be consu l t ed " w h a t e v er the

p r o b l em" and third, that the client

should " s ee us f i r s t ".

Before John Loosemore and

Robert Parsons began the seminar

they assured us t hat we would, at

the very least, come away w i th one

or t w o good ideas and begin to

think some of these issues t h r ough

before the w i nd of change hit us

w i t h a vengeance. We picked up

more t han one or t w o good ideas,

we were certainly not bored. The

publicity claimed that " t h is seminar

will hold your a t t en t i on and moti-

vate you to practise expansion". It

remains to be seen wh e t h er this

last p r om i se w i ll be f u l f i l l ed.

Perhaps t hat is more in our hands

t han theirs. It is up to us to

take on board the advice we were

given and " i mp r o ve our service to

clients and increase our profit-









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