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f o r es t ry ac t i v i t y, t he ability to

reclaim the value added tax inputs

could be an important feature in the

c o mm e r c i a l

v i a b i l i ty of

t he

en t e r p r i se. The input t ax w i ll

consist of value added tax charged

on equ i pment purchased or leased

as we ll as fees and costs of

ma n a g eme nt operations, all of

wh i ch are liable t o value added tax,

albeit at the l ow rate in so far as

t hey are agricultural services.



the absence of a wa i ver of t he

e x emp t i on, the ultimate supply

wo u l d attract the flat rate addition

w h i c h is payable to unregistered

f a rme r s .


It is apparent, h owe v e r, t hat t he

flat rate addition is under pressure,

having been reduced in t he 1 9 87

F i n a n ce A c t , a nd a f u r t h e r

r educ t i on announced in this year's

Budget speech. Investors mi ght

query t he w i s d om of relying on it

being there in 25 or 3 0 years t ime.


It can certainly be argued t hat the

i n t r oduc t i on of the e x emp t i on for

f o r es t ry profits in 1 9 69 was a

retrogressive step in p r omo t i ng

private forestry i nves tmen t. For

private individual investors it is

o f t en mu ch more impo r t ant t hat

they obtain immediate tax relief for

their outlay. Nonetheless, the level

of returns s h own by forestry in the

p a s t ,

c o u p l ed

w i t h


t ax

e x emp t i on, make for a particularly

a t t r ac t i ve f o rm of i nves tmen t.

T he d i s a d v a n t a g es of t he

immed i a te t ax t r ea t ment can be

ove r come t h r ough an arrangement

s u c h as t he p e n s i on l i n k ed

i n v e s t m e nt m e t h od d e s c r i b ed

above. This is a highly tax efficient

arrangement, providing for t ax

relief on all ou t go i ngs wh i le still

o b t a i n i ng

t he

u l t i m a te

t a x

e x emp t i on on profits.

A s c a p i t al a c q u i s i t i o ns t a x

b e c o m e s p r o g r e s s i v e ly

mo r e

severe, because of the post 1 9 82

aggregation rules, f o r es t ry o f f e rs


u n u s u al

o p p o r t u n i ty

t o

significantly reduce taxable values.



The grants are as much as 85% of

establishment costs for farmers in

certain "western package" areas and

70% for non-farmers. This is referred

to as the EEC Assisted Western

Scheme. See "Investing in Forestry"

issued by the Minister for Fisheries and

Forestry, 1984.


FA 1969, s.18 (2)(c).


(1969) 46 TC 143.


FA 1979, s.17(a).


FA 1969, Part (11).


40 TC 75.


Corporation Tax Act, 1976, s.116.


Capital Gains Tax Act, 1975, ss.26 &



Income Tax Act, 1967, ss. 135 & 136.

10 Finance Act 1974, s.34 and Finance

Act 1978 s.8.

11 Supra.

12 Corporation Tax Act, 1976, s.11 (6).

13 Capital Acquisitions Tax Act, 1976,

s. 19(1).

14 Capital Acquisitions Tax



15 Capital Acquisitions Tax Act, 1976,

s. 19(5).

16 Value Added Tax Act, 1972, s.8(3).

17 Value Added Tax Act, 1972, para, v,

sched. 5, Pt.1.

18 Value Added Tax Act, 1 972, s. 12 A.

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