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Professional I n f o rma t i on

Land Registry —

issue of New

Land Cer t i f icate

Registration of Title Ac t, 1 9 64

A n application has been received from the

registered o w n e rs m e n t i o n ed in t he

Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land

Certificate in substitution for the original

Land Certificate as stated to have been lost

or i n a d v e r t e n t ly d e s t r o y e d. A n ew

Certificate will be issued unless notification

is received in the Registry within t we n t y-

eight days from the date of publication of

this notice that the original Certificate is in

existence and in the custody of some person

other than the registered owner. Any such

notification should state the grounds on

wh i ch the Certificate is being held.

Dated this 2 0 th day of November, 1988.

J. B. Fitzgerald (Registrar of Titles)

Central Office, Land Registry,

Chancery Street, Dublin 7.


Robert Bennett and An ne Bennett,

Cullinagh, Courtmacsherry, Co. Cork. Folio

No.: 2 4 0 4 9; Lands: Cullenagh; Area:

8a.2r.36p. County: COR K.

S e r eh U c k e n , 54 Mulvey Park, Dundrum,

Dublin 14. Folio No.: 14722; Lands: The

property situate to the East side of Dundrum

Road in the village of Dundrum, Townland

of Farranboley and Barony of Rathdown.

County: D U B L I N.

Teresa Shine Aveeanl & Adelino Aveeani,

Black Moore, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow. Folio

No.: 2510F; Lands: Rathmoon. County:


M i c h a e l A n t h o ny O ' R i o r d a n, Site 142

Castletown Estate, Leixlip, Co. Kildare. Folio

No.: 575L; Lands: Leixlip; Area: 0a.0r.10p.

County: K I L D A R E.

J a m e s F r a n c is F a l l o n, Carrowndurly,

Dysart, Co. Roscommon. Folio No.: (1)

15826; (2) 29930; Lands: Derryfadda; Area:

3a.0r.12p. County: (1) R O S C O M M O N, (2)


M a r t i n J. M u r p h y, 111 Tirellan Heights,

Headford Rd., Galway. Folio No.: 12311F;

Lands: Ballinfoile. County: GALWAY.

P h i l o m e na C o f f e y, 6 0 Willow Park Grove,

Glasnevin, North, Dublin / 6 0 Willow Park

Grove, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 the full owner

as tenant in c ommon of one undivided half

share. Folio No.: 6927L; Lands: The property

situate to the North side of the DublirvHowth

Road in the Parish of Kilbarrack, District of

Howth. County: D U B L I N.

L o u is Ga l l a g h e r, Moness Speenogue P.O.

Via Lifford, Co. Donegal. Folio No.: 8 0 9 6;

Lands: Bunnamayne; Area: 35a.0r.0p.

County: D O N E G A L.

C h r i s t o p h er Fennessy, Cloghera, Kilmore,

Co. Clare. Folio No.: 15209; Lands: (1)

Blackwater; (2) Blackwater; (3) Blackwater;

Area: (1) 15a.3r.0p.; (2) 3a.3r.16p.; (3)

0a.0r.7p. County: C L A R E.

J a m e s C. Wa r d, Glassagh, Cloghan, Co.

Donegal. Folio No.: 1482; Lands: Glashagh

More (part); Area: 23a.0r.32p. County:


T h o m a s F l y n n, Moyglass, Kylebrack,

Loughrea, Co. Galway. Folio No.: (1) 20179;

Lands: (1) Moyglass (part); (2) Moyglass

(part); Area: (1) 39a.3r.39p.; (2) 129.964

Hect. County: GALWAY.

J o h n J a m e s G i l ma r t i n, Newbrook, Kilclare

P.A., Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. Folio

No.: 1 7 0 00 closed to 4 0 7 0 F; Lands:

N e w b r o o k; A r e a: 4 a . 3 r . 0 p.

C o u n t y:


M a r y M o r t e l l, Killalane, Claremorris Ave.,

Limerick. Folio No.: 2 6 7 2 7; Lands: Killeeley

Road; Area: 0a.2r.38p. County: L I ME R I C K.

J a m e s G a ff nay, 1 Malone Gardens, Dublin.

Folio No.: 46618L; Lands: The property

k n own as 1 Malone Gardens situate in the

Parish of Donnybrook, District of Pembroke.

County: D U B L I N.

E d w a r d M . Wa l s h, Johnstown, Kiltiernan,

Co. Dublin. Folio No.: 2 5 7 2; Lands: The

p r o p e r ty situate in the Townland of

Ballycorus (part), Barony of Rathdown.

County: D U B L I N.

D a r m o t Sabarry, 2 Grace Park Avenue,

Drumcondra, Dublin. Folio No.: 2975; Lands:

B r o w n s t o w n; Area: 1a.1r.24p. County:


M a r g a r et M u r p h y, Cloneyburn, Bunclody,

Co. Wexford. Folio No.: 7 0 2 3; Lands:

Clonyburn; Area: 73a.1r.19p. C o u n t y:


D e n is Do r n a y, Kilnaglory, Ballincollig, Co.

Cork. Folio No.: 10490F; Lands: Kilnaglory.

County: C O R K.

Lost Wi l ls

C H A N D L E R, Eileen, deceased, otherwise

Eileen Wightman Chandler, late of 189,

Broadway, Walsall and Kilcoleman, Mallow,

Co. Cork. Will anyone having knowledge of

the whereabouts of a Will of the above

named deceased w h o died on the 17th day

of June, 1988, contact Colm Burke & Co.,

Solicitors, Washington House, 33 Washing-

ton Street, Cork, Telephone (021) 2 7 2 2 4 2.

B E N SON DE V I NE, E l i an ( He l e n ),

d e c e a s e d, late of 106 Cosy Lodge,

Rathmines, Dublin 6, and Ryevale Nursing

Home, Leixlip, Co. Kildara Will any person

having knowledge of the whereabouts of a

Will or testamentary disposition executed by

the above-named deceased, w h o died on

8 th September, 1988, please contact

Alphonsus Grogan & Co., Solicitors, 33

Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1.

H A R R I S, Esthar, deceased, formerly of 54

Mary Street, Drogheda, Co. Dublin. Any

person who made a Will for the above please

contact Francis G. Costello & Co., Solicitors,

51 Donnybrook Road, Dublin 4.

H E N N E 8 S Y, J a m a a, deceased, late of

Strawhill, Carlow, Co. Carlow. Will anyone

having knowledge of the whereabouts of the

original Will of the above named deceased

made on the 2 7 th day of January, 1988 or

on any later date please contact the

undersigned Solicitors who are acting for the

next of kin. John J. Duggan & Co., Solicitors,

College Street, Carlow. Ref. David B. Boyle,

Tel. No. (0503) 31848/31124.

M c l N E R N E Y, M a r y, deceased, late of

Cragg, Belvoir, Sixmilebridge, Co. Clare. Will

anyone having knowledge of the where-

abouts of the Will of the above named

deceased w ho died on the 19th day of

October, 1988, please contact Colman

Sherry, Solicitor, The Square, Gort, Co.


E DWA R D S, Wa l t e r, bachelor, late of

Whitestown, Stratford-on-Slaney, Baltin-

glass, Co. Wicklow. Will any persons having

knowledge of the existence or whereabouts

of a Will of the above named deceased w h o

died on the 2 8 th of April, 1988, please

contact Noel W. Houlden, Solicitor, 17/18

Nassau Street, Dublin 2. Tel. 0 1 - 7 9 3 2 7 9.

C L A R K E, K a t h l e e n, deceased, late of 5

Arran Quay Terrace, Dublin 7. Will anyone

having knowledge of a Will for the above

named deceased please contact Francis X.

Downes & Co., Solicitors, 16 Parnell Square,

Dublin 1. Tel. 7 4 9 2 5 7 / 8, 743821.

Miscel laneous

FOR B A L E: 7-day Publican's Licence.

Details from Murphy & Long, Solicitors,

Lower Kilbrogan Hill, Bandon, Co. Cork.

'Phone 0 2 3 - 4 4 4 2 0.

R O O M S A V A I L A B LE f r om December.

Suitable for Law Practice at Clare Street,

Dublin 2. Tel. 611822.

W A N T E D: have you recently acquired a

new dictation system? We require Grundig

Stenorette SL dictating machines in good

working order. Box No. 90.

E N G L I S H A G E N T S : A g e n cy

w o rk

undertaken for Irish solicitors in both

litigation and non-contentious matters -

including legal aid. Fearon & Co., Solicitors,

12 T he B r o a d w a y, Wo k i n g,


GU21 5AU. Telephone Woking ( 0 4 8 6 2)

2 6 2 7 2, Fax Woking ( 0 4 8 6 2) 2 5 8 0 7.


Dublin Solicitors wish to form an

Association w i th a sole practitioner in

Dublin City, Dublin County, or County

Louth w h o is contemplating retirement

in the near future. Full finance available.

Confidentiality assured. Box 91.

3 0 8