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The In te rn at io na l Re la tio nsCl ub was

org an ize din Februa ry, 1958. Panel discus­

sion s on topi csof cu rr en twor ld in ter es t,

or tal ks by gu es t sp eakers cons tit ut ethe

pr og ram for the bi-mo nth ly me etings.

To pi cs discus sed th is yea r hav e bee n:


by A lexa nd raWie re r,THE OFF-SHORE

ISLAND S led by Cl air eFo k-Tu ng ,BER­

LIN led by Mary Fi or ino,and a de lig ht ­

fu l talk on NIC ARA GU A given by Mrs.

Ka ren a Sh iel ds of th e Soc ial Science De ­

pa rtm en


ou ts tand ingeve nt of the

second semest er has been the Colle ge

Mock Uni ted Natio nsMeetin g fo r the

Wes ter nSt ate she ld at th e Un ive rsi tyof

South ern Calif orni ain la te Apr il. Mem­

bers of the I.R.C. repr es en tedNi ca ragu a

at thi s meetin g.Dom in iCollin s headed

thi s gro up .

MEM BE RS :SE ATE D:Cl air eWha le n,Shar onMeye rkamp ,Ma ry Ja ne

T ie rn ap, Ma ry Fi or ino, Mau ree n Ag ge le r.STAND IN G : Mary Dee

Dug an ,An ge lKr aeme r,Kat eBasi le, Sh eil aO'B rie n,and Susan aJim en ez

Ca br al .


C la ireFo k- Tu ng; Mary Ja neT ie rn an , presid en t;Mary Fior ino,se cr eta ry ; Ruth Patter­

so n, vic e p resid en t.