Smoke rise s from an open fire; str ai ns of a song dr if t on the so ft ai r,
pu ng en twith dr ift -woo dsmoke , flavored wi th the od or of a meal cooked
over the fire. The class of I960 has begun its jun ior yea r wi th a beach pa rty
giv en in ho no r of the new stu de nt s.
The ma in pa tio an d the ros e room ar e clu tte red wi th man y co lored
leav es, pumpk ins, corn stal ks, an d cand les as the class decora tes fo r th e "fir st
big da nc e"of the yea r. A few ho ur sla te r,the dance mus ic floats ov er th e
pa tio as pe op ledance by the lig ht of the cand lesin the jack -o-lant ernsan d
AUTUMNLEAVES is a success.
The sta di um is tens e wi th that feelin gon ly and always pr es en twh en a
crowd is wai tin gfo r the kick-off. Bl ue an d wh ite pom-po mswave; st ro ng ,
youn gvoic es com bin eto chee r the team. Co llege son gs are sun gas the class
meets with th e res t of the Un ive rsi tyto celeb rat ethe mos t rec ent vic tor y.
Rich co lor ed dre sse s of jewe l-like hues ming le wi th th e deepness of
tuxed osand "d ress blu es ";the wh ite of di nn er jackets and the fre shnessof
flowers stand ou t again st this ba ckgr ou nd .The Cir cus Room of the Hotel
de l Co rona dois a mute witne ss to the an nu alCh ris tmasfo rm al ,gi ven by
the sen ior s,an d eve ry jun ior 'sthou gh tsuncons ciouslystr ay to next yea r and
the tra ditio nwhich the class mu st uphold .
The en tir eschool shows the unmistak ab le signs of a rapidly ap pr oa ch
ing vacatio n.Chris tmascar ols ech o in the ha lls ; suitcasesar e br ought fo rt h
from the de pt hsof the trunkroom; the Ch ris tk indl tradi tio n evokes pleas ur e
and su rp ris e.But mos t of all , the time be fo reCh ristma smeans class rin gs .