Mot herS. Fu ray ,Cla ss Co un sel or;Pa tricia La ng do n,presid en t;Eli zab ethQui nn ,vice
pr es ident;MaryMe tca lfe ,tre as ur er ; San dr a Lo ub at,sec ret ary .
Well over a hundre d,the lar ge st freshm an class in S.D. C.W .'shi sto ry
began its car eer by set tin ga pa tte rnof loyal coop erati on . Ina ug ur at in g class
soci al ac tiv iti eswas a un iquecir cus pa rty in Oc tober,fo llowe dshor tly by a
de lig ht fu l ge t-t og etherat theDel Ma r home of Pa tric ia You ng . On Oct ob er
31, the Pa ris ian "Caf eCon tin en ta l"was the scene fo r the 1958 Fr eshma n
Follie s, abl y chairma ned by Beth Qu inn and Vicky Se ide l.Und er the dir ec
tion of MonnieTiffan y, the fres hmen coop era tedwi th the soph om or es in
an en joy ab lemix er. The second an nu al Chris tmasToy Driv ewas ag ain
spon sored by the fre shm en ,un de r the zea lou sleade rsh ipof Mauree nGal -
lah er and Lynn Ge ng ler.
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