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Where the Trust contains Stock Exchange investment

then a copy of the "first page" should go to the brokers,

and their analysis and reviews (or at any rate the last

one) should always be in the folder.

Where any of the main items on the "first page" are

amended—-e.g. change of Trustees, death of a Tenant

for Life, even change of bankers, etc.—an amended

"first page" should be prepared. A copy goes to the

TLE who replaces the previous entry in the Trust

Record Book, but in the folder the original entry and

all the amendments (latest on Top) are kept together

to show the history of the Trust, dates of changes, etc.

Where any item on the Date List is changed a note

must go to the TLE. Again a short printed or dupli-

cated slip would be useful. (The information can then

be dictated as can the whole of the "first page" so as to

limit senior work. How much the TLE can delegate

will depend on each office and whether he has a senior

girl or legal executive trainee working with him—he

should have!)

Copies of attendance notes of interviews with Trus-

tees or beneficiaries should go into the Trust Folder.

In detail the file and the folder should be complete

and related, but the information in the Folder should

always be maintained and processed so it is concise and


Each Trust should have a full review once a year and

an interim one at the six month stage. The "first page"

should show these review months. For example, a Trust

coming in force in January should be shown for review

as January/July.

The Review Diary should be a loose-leaf A4 size

book of 12 sections or pages, one for each calendar

month. Each Trust is entered twice (once in capitals)

and followed by the initials of the person in charge of


The duties of the TLE are :

(a) To maintain the Trust Record Book and Review


(b) To use the Personnel List to ensure Trusts are

being properly looked after and to control (by refer-

ence to our consultation with the partners) a reason-

able division of the Trust work load.

(c) To follow up Review dates and action revealed

necessary by the Date List.

(d) To ensure a consistency and continuity of office

policy to all Trusts to the advantage of clients and the

intentions of the creators of settlements and of testators

in particular.

If the ideas in this article have any appeal to your

office they can be progressively implemented in Four


Stage 1—Appoint a TLE and let him get his own

Trusts into the, system first.

Stage 2—Let him show this article to others involved

and be prepared to explain the merits of the system

to them.

Stage 3—Ensure that all New Trusts then come into

the system.

Stage 4—Aim to get "first pages" done for all existing

Trusts within four months.

The system is simple and flexible and can be adapted

to the requirements of individual firms whether large

or small.

Specimen "First Page' '

Office Reference : NOP / TLE /C



Name of Trust: Frederick Adams, Deceased.


Mr. N. O. Partner (1)

Freda Adams (Widow)

and William Adams (Son).

1 Somewhere Road,

Anyplace AP6 7SW.

Deal with Son—Tel : Anyplace 2345.


Will of Deceased.

Date of Death : 14/11/73.


To widow for life (aged 67 at date of

Deceased's death).

Mandated to George Bank, Anyplace

Branch, A / C No. 00060071.


£ to son, William, absolutely.

\ to daughter, Mrs. Jane Eve, for life

and then to her children absolutely.


Acres & Miles, Estate Agents, 18 Wide

Street, Anyplace.

Bear Bull & Co., Stockbrokers, 17

Market Street, Anyplace.


No Accountants. Accounts kept and

tax done in the office.

Trust Assets:

Riverside, River way, Anyplace—occu-

pied by widow on payment of rates.

One private mortgage (existing, at date

of death).

14 Superblock, Central Avenue, Any-

place. Let as flats.

Stock Exchange securities as per

Brokers' valuation.

New Houses Building Society Share

A / C.

3 Local Authority Mortgages.


Only to postpone sales.

Trustee Investment Act 1961 applies.

Charging clause for N. O. Partner.


December and June.

1 8 / 1 2 / 73 TLE


Date-List Information re : F ADAMS, Deceased.

£2,000 Anywhere Corporation 6 f% Redeemable 31

March 1976.

£1,500 Anyplace Corporation 7£% Redeemable 30

October 1978.

£500 East Anyhow Water Board 5% Redeemable 30

September 1979.

£1,000 National Westminster Bank 8£%

S u b o r d i n a t ed

Unsecured Loan Stock 1980.

£750 Greater London Council 9£% Stock 1980-82.