The CBA’s Cyber Law and Data
Privacy Committee meets on the
third Tuesday of each month. For
more information, go to www.
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All thanks to the Chicago Bar Association
Cotter noted numerous ethical opinions
have been issued relevant to the cloud
topic, but that most of them were not
recent, such as ISBA Ethics Op. 10-01
(July 2009), which addressed an attorney’s
use of a third party technology vendor.
While the opinion dealt with Illinois RPC
1.6(a), it was issued several years before the
recent adoption of RPC 1.6(e). Cotter cau-
tioned that given the increased focus and
ever changing area of cyber security, lawyers
should stay abreast of developments and
future opinions that are relevant.
Cotter strongly encouraged the group
that when disposing of privileged or con-
fidential data, a lawyer should shred such
information, and should also shred data
where there is any doubt regarding its con-
fidentiality. Cotter closed by referencing
several additional resources lawyers could
access to make sure they are up to speed
on their obligations to secure data.
Winters closed the presentation by
providing ten ways a lawyer can better
protect clients, including adopting and
maintaining an appropriate security pro-
gram, changing passwords to make them
more secure, and shredding confidential,
sensitive or privileged materials rather than
throwing them away.
Easy Strategies to Up Your Client Development Game
Technology can help tame the time commitment of client development. But technology alone can’t gen-
erate clients–that is a human endeavor. A combination of strategies, goals and priorities in tandemwith
some simple technologies, can help you carve out time to plan and execute a client development plan.
The CBA’s Law Practice Management and Technology Division with the Midwest Chapter of the Legal
Marketing Association will host “Solid Strategy and Tactical Timing Technology for Development” on
Thursday, February 18, 2016, from12:00-1:30 p.m., at the CBABuilding, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago.
In a single lunch hour, learn the tips and tricks your attorney peers use tomeet their development goals.
LPMT Director Catherine Sanders Reach will cover technologies that can help tame the time commit-
ment of client development. Speakers JohnMitchell, a professional training coach at HMG/KMAdvisors,
and Christina Solomon, a client development executive at Freeborn & Peters LLP, will cover strategy,
goal setting, calendaring, and more.
The program is sponsored by Jaffe, an award-winning full-service PR and marketing agency de-
voted exclusively to the needs of the legal industry. 1.5 IL PR-MCLE Credit (subject to approval). CBA
CLE-Advantage members are free, members $30, and nonmembers are $60. To register, visit www. or call 312/554-2056.
Information Security
continued from page 10