Workplace Leadership–Level 2
SessionA: The impact of unconscious bias
and diversity in the workplace.
This session will focus on overcoming
unconscious biases and how people learn,
work and achieve their highest leadership
SessionB: CommunicationStrategies Part
1: How to effectively communicate with
supervisors and workplace staff.
Participants will engage in interactive
exercises to learn the tools for effective
communications including: difficult con-
versations, resolving conflicts in the work-
place, constructive feedback techniques
and appropriate use of technology.
Session C: Communications Strategies
Part ll: Effective communicationswith cli-
ents and others outside of theworkplace.
In this interactive session, participants will
discuss how to deal with challenging clients
within the rules of professional conduct,
using technology and best practices for
communicating with clients and others
outside of the workplace.
Advanced Leadership–Level 3
Session A: How to effectively lead a team.
This session involves interactive exercises
and instruction on: how to build a diverse
and effective team, delegate effectively, pro-
vide constructive feedback, and appraise
team performance.
Session B: Advanced public speaking and
presentation skills.
Participants will learn advanced interactive
public speaking skills (e.g., the characteris-
tics of an effective speaker, self-confidence,
body language awareness, drafting/prepar-
ing an effective speech and more).
Session C: Advanced Business Develop-
ment and Networking Skills.
Participants will interact with a panel of
business development leaders, law firm
rainmakers, and corporate counsel about
the fundamentals of building relationships,
networking and client/business develop-
ment strategies
The Institute’s inaugural class begins
on January 28 and is limited to 20 lawyers
who have been practicing 3-10 years. The
monthly training sessions will be held
from 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m. at the CBA.
Attendance is required at the monthly
sessions, and MCLE credit is available for
qualifying sessions. Lawyers who success-
fully complete the Institute’s training will
receive a certificate.
The new Leadership Institute is destined
to become one of the CBA’s flagship train-
ing programs and will serve as a model
program for other state and metropolitan
bar associations. As lawyers, we play an
important and unique role in society. The
Leadership Institute will help ensure that
today’s lawyers are prepared to become
tomorrow’s leaders in Chicago’s legal pro-
fession and in our community. For more
information about the Leadership Institute
“The John Marshall Law School prepared me
with the skills, knowledge, and experience to
practice-ready from day one
Chicago’s Practice-Ready Law School
“I’m Ready”
To interview our practice-ready
lawyers, contact Career Services
at 312.987.1402.
Send your views to the
CBA Record,
South Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604, or reserves
the right to edit letters prior to publishing.