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Potential treatment of

pseudoxanthoma elasticum

By Warren R Heymann


Until now, treating PXE patients involved careful follow-up examinations with

retinal specialists and avoiding long-term anticoagulation.

Dr Warren Heymann

reviews some promising studies and treatments which could be useful in

preventing, not reversing, mineralization, confirming the need for early molecular

identification and intervention.


e had the honour of presenting a

family with pseudoxanthoma elas-

ticum (PXE) at the Cooper Medical

School of Rowan University session of

the Philadelphia Dermatological Society

on February 24, 2017. The proband was

referred to confirm the diagnosis of PXE

prior to her coronary artery bypass graft

surgery. Her classical clinical appear-

ance was corroborated by histology,

and considerations for treating possible

thrombo-hemorrhagic complications were

discussed. Before her presentation at the

meeting, we conversed about having her

specific mutation defined – it might be

advantageous to have that information for

her family, and perhaps there would be a

useful treatment one day. I did not expect

to read an article within 48 hours of that

encounter that could change the outlook

for PXE patients.

PXE is caused by loss-of-functionmutations

in the ABCC6 gene encoding ATP-binding

cassette subfamily C, member 6 (ABCC6),

a putative transmembrane efflux trans-

porter protein expressed primarily in the

basolateral plasma membrane of hepat-

ocytes and in the proximal tubules of the

kidney. The molecules transported physi-

ologically by ABCC6 from the intracellular

milieu to the extracellular space have not

been identified, but recent studies have

demonstrated that ABCC6 is required

for the release of ATP from the hepato-

cytes, raising the question whether ATP

is the physiological target molecule to be

transported by ABCC6. Molecular genetic

investigations have revealed mutations

in the genes physiologically involved in

generation of inorganic pyrophosphate

and inorganic phosphate, and the findings

suggest a unifying pathomechanism

relating to a reduced inorganic pyroph-

osphate/inorganic phosphate ratio. This

hypothesis is based on the concept that

inorganic pyrophosphate inhibits miner-

alization, whereas inorganic phosphate is

a promineralisation factor, and an appro-

priate inorganic pyrophosphate/inorganic

phosphate ratio is critical for the preven-

tion of ectopic mineralization.


To date, treating PXE had focused more

on careful follow-up examinations with

retinal specialists and avoiding long-term

anticoagulation. Maintaining a low-calcium

diet, increasing dietary magnesium, and

administering phosphate binders such as

aluminum hydroxide or sevelamer may

yield a modest benefit.


The short-chain fatty acid 4-phenylbu-

tyrate (4-PBA) is used to treat urea cycle

disorders, where it functions as a nitro-

gen-scavenging molecule. It has been

previously demonstrated that 4-PBA pro-

motes the maturation of ABCC6 mutants

to the plasma membrane. In a humanized

mouse model of pseudoxanthoma elas-

ticum, Pomozi et al investigated whether

4-PBA treatments could rescue the cal-

cification inhibition potential of selected

ABCC6 mutants. They used the dystrophic

cardiac calcification phenotype of Abcc6-

/- mice as an indicator of ABCC6 function

to quantify the effect of 4-PBA on human

ABCC6 mutants transiently expressed in

the liver. They demonstrated that 4-PBA

administrations restored the physiologi-

cal function of ABCC6 mutants, resulting

in enhanced calcification inhibition. This

study identified 4-PBA treatment as a prom-

ising strategy for allele-specific therapy of

ABCC6-associated calcification disorders;


it would be most useful in preventing, not

reversing, mineralization, confirming the

need for early molecular identification and


Clearly, studies are required in PXE

patients before any recommendations

can be made. According to Epocrates,

serious adverse reactions to sodium

phenylbutyrate include neurotoxicity,

anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocyto-

penia. Our patient had coronary artery

disease necessitating bypass graft sur-

gery and her brother died from vascular

complications of PXE. What a glorious

achievement it would be to be able to

prevent pathologic vascular mineraliza-

tion in PXE patients.

Disclaimer: First published on Dr Warren

Heymann’s Dermatology Insights and

Inquiries website on March 5, 2017.

Republished with permission.


1. Li Q, Arányi T, Váradi A, et al.

J Invest Dermatol


2. Marconi B, Bobyr I, Campanati A, et al.


Rare Dis Res


3. Pomozi V, Brampton C, Szeri F, et al.

J Invest



Dr Heymann is

Professor of Medicine

and Pediatrics and

Head of the Division

of Dermatology at

Cooper Medical School

of Rowan University.

He is also Clinical

Professor of Dermatology

at Perelman School of Medicine of the

University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.



VOL. 1 • NO. 1 • 2017