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2. Management and Directors’ compensation







management (see chapter 1, section 3) is set at a level

consistent with compensation packages offered by

comparable companies. It is determined and reviewed,

among other things, based on the results of specific surveys

Compensation paid to members of the Group’s senior

from specialized consultants commissioned by senior


compensation set at a reasonable proportion of total

compensation, the purpose of which is to reflect the

manager’s personal contribution to the Group’s growth and


In addition to a fixed portion, it consists of a variable

This principle has now been extended to all managerial staff.

The performance objectives used are based on financial

indicators such as Return On Investment (ROI) and Return On

as developing a certain type of business or entering a new

geographic market. Most often, a safety indicator is also


Capital Employed (ROCE), as well as personal objectives such

In this way, management compensation is clearly linked to

performance and to the achievement of objectives that

promotes a high level of personal commitment. Each

manager’s compensation can fluctuate significantly from one

year to the next, based on the results achieved.

Gross compensation received by the members of senior

Group companies within and outside France, totaled

€10.9 million in 2016 (2015: €13.4 million), including gross

variable compensation of €3.2 million (2015: €3.3 million) and

no termination benefits (€1.5 million in 2015).

management Committee (excluding the Chairman and Chief

Executive Officer and long-term compensation) in 2016 from

Pensions and other post-employment benefits (defined

benefit obligations in respect of retirement bonuses and

pensions) accruing to the members of the senior

management Committee (including the Chairman and Chief

Executive Officer) totaled €47.0 million at December 31, 2016

(December 31, 2015: €55.8 million).

Group (particularly members of Group management) in

Group companies other than Compagnie de Saint-Gobain are

either reverted to their employer company, or paid directly to

that company.

Attendance fees allocated to Directors representing the




Allocation policy


The objective of the Group’s long-term compensation policy

is to retain and motivate the Group’s senior management,

officers and employees, and to associate them with the

Group’s performance, in particular through conditional

allocations of stock options, performance shares or

long-term strategy.

performance units to reflect their fulfillment of the Group’s

share plans, as well as the identity of the beneficiaries, and

approves the principle of long-term compensation plans in

the form of performance units to be implemented, if need be,

by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. These plans are

At the recommendation of the Nomination, Remuneration

and Governance Committee, the Board of Directors

authorizes the features of the stock option and performance

subject to a service condition and to the strict internal and/or

external performance criteria set by the Board (see below for

details of each allocation).

Chief Executive Officer being described in chapter 6,

section 2.2.3(c).

executives in the Sectors and Delegations (1,663 grantees),

members of the Group Liaison Committee excluding the

senior management team (30 grantees) and senior

management (10 grantees), with grants to the Chairman and

In 2016, these plans covered 1,896 Group officers and

employees, in France and outside France, including

high-potential managers and managers who have performed

exceptionally well (193 grantees), key corporate and line

nationalities and work in 51 countries.

The beneficiaries of these plans belong to 59 different

than by the end of the vesting period. This plan represents

0.05% of the share capital and therefore has no material

impact in terms of dilution. The performance share plan

On November 24, 2016 the Board of Directors resolved that

the origin of the shares of the 2016 stock options plan, new or

existing shares, would be determined at its discretion no later

entitles beneficiaries to existing shares and therefore has no

impact in terms of dilution. No performance unit plan was

implemented during fiscal year 2016.

stock options and performance shares.

The members of the Liaison Committee were allocated both

The other instruments designed to associate employees with

business results are presented in chapter 8, section 2.3 and

chapter 4, section 3.2.3.

Stock option plans


Stock option plans have been set up by the Board of

Directors every year since 1987.

recommendation of the Nomination, Remuneration and

Governance Committee.

Under the authorization granted by the 13


resolution of the

General Shareholders' Meeting of June 2, 2016, at its meeting

of November 24, 2016 the Board of Directors resolved to

implement a stock option plan, following analysis and the