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3. Report from the Chairman of the Board of Directors on internal control and risk management procedures




French Commercial Code)

Directors on internal control and risk

Report from the Chairman of the Board of


governance (Article L.225-37 of the

management procedures and corporate

associated with the impacts of climate change and the

Chief Executive Officer’s powers, and on the financial risks

measures adopted by the Group to reduce them

certain aspects of corporate governance, on internal

Report from the Chairman of the Board of Directors on

Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, on any restrictions on the

control and risk management systems implemented by

Code, under the responsibility of the Chairman of the Board

relevant departments of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, and

of Directors and on the basis of information provided by the


was approved by the Board of Directors on February 23,

accordance with Article L.225-37 of the French Commercial

procedures and corporate governance was prepared in

This report on internal control and risk management

compliance with and implementation of a recognized

aspects of corporate governance. The required disclosures

French law requires to report to shareholders on certain

parity on the Board, its organization and work, the Company’s

relate to the composition of the Board of Directors, gender

the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, the specific

corporate governance code, any restrictions on the powers of

section 1.1. It was prepared on the basis of data supplied by

is provided in chapter 6, sections 1 and 2, and chapter 10,

reviewed by the Nomination, Remuneration and Governance

the Legal, Human Resources and Finance Departments, was

Shareholders' Meetings, and lastly the principles and rules

formalities for shareholders’ participation in General

benefits of any kind awarded to the Directors. This information

applied by the Board to determine the compensation and

Committee and is incorporated by reference into this report.

The report must moreover include a description of internal

incorporated by reference into this report.

has been reviewed by the Risk and Audit Committee and

the Group. This information, as set out in chapter 7,

control and risk management procedures implemented within

Group Internal Audit and Business Control Department and

sections 2.1 through 2.5, was prepared with the support of the

Lastly, the report should describe the financial risks

measures that Saint-Gobain is taking to reduce them, by

associated with the impacts of climate change and the


implementing a low-carbon strategy in all of its business

atmospheric emissions and the climate impact, is set out in

The Group’s environmental policy, specifically the control of

chapter 4, section 2.3.2.

chapter 2 and section 2.3.6 of chapter 4.

Group’s businesses are described in sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 of

The low-carbon strategy and the climate change impact of the

managed for energy and raw materials.

Chapter 7, section 1.3.2 (c) describes how price volatility is

incorporated by reference into this report.

Group’s Responsible Development Department, the Insurance

This information was prepared with the support of the

has been reviewed by the Risk and Audit Committee and

Department and the Treasury and Financing Department and