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Traditional Questions

Formulate Intelligent Questions to

Ask the Interviewer

1. Please describe a typical day on the job.

2. What do you see as the greatest challenge in

this position?

3. What personal qualities, skills or experience

would help someone do well in this position?

4. What are the company’s plans for future


5. How do you view this organization as a

place to work?

6. What are the typical career paths? What are

realistic time frames for advancement?

7. How are employees evaluated and


8. How much contact and exposure to

management would I have?

9. What type of training program do you offer

new employees?

10. How much freedom and responsibility is

given to new employees?

11. Can you explain the performance review


12. What is the retention rate of people in this


13. What opportunities exist for professional

growth and development?

14. What makes your organization different from

your competitors?

15. Are co-op, internship or summer positions


Anticipate Answers to Questions

an Interviewer May Ask You

1. Tell me about yourself?

2. What are your short-term and long-term

career goals, and how do you plan to achieve


3. What are the most important rewards you

expect in your career?

4. What do you consider to be your greatest

strengths and weaknesses?

5. How has your college experience prepared

you for a career?

6. What motivates you to put forth your

greatest effort?

7. In what ways do you think you can make a

contribution to our organization?

8. What do you know about our organization?

9. Why do you want to obtain a position at our


10. Why did you choose the career for which

you are preparing?

11. Why should I hire you?

12. What qualifications do you have that make

you think you will be successful?

13. What do you REALLY want to do in life?

14. What do you think it takes to be successful in

an organization like ours?

15. How would you define the word, “success”?

16. What qualities should a successful manager


17. Do you have a geographical preference? Are

you willing to relocate? Travel?

18. What criteria are you using to evaluate the

company for which you hope to work?


