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It was the topic of conversation the first two body, and this is a good turnout. AS also said

months of school. This was the first time a na- that they had budgeted $15,000 for the event, so

tionally known band would be playing at USD, no money was lost. The concert itself was a sue–

and people were getting excited. Simply Red's cess as Simply Red thoroughly entertained its

October 9th concert at the Sports Center was crowd, performing such hits as " Infidelity" and

the center of controversy. Despite all the hype " Holding Back the Years." Danny Wilson

and publicity before the concert, the attendance opened up, and despite some bright moments

of USO students was estimated at only 1000. it was obvious thatthe crowd came to see Simply

The next week, heavy criticism came out, as cri- Red. Simply Red's appearance here this fall set

tics cited the low attendance and the loss of a positive precedent for future concerts here at

$13,000. The AS defended its stance by stating USD.

that 1000 students was a third of the student

Right: The director and organizer of the concert, Wayne Walker. Be–

low: Bob, the photographer for the USO concert board, takes a break

from taking pictures and watches the rest of the crew work.

30 ActMties


The main people that worked very hard, before, during, and after the

concert, take a break and relax.


The man who is Simply Red, entertains
