To Be Healthy
into pineapple juice that has heen heated. It
will take days and days for the same thing
to happen.
This is because raw pineapple juice con
tains a marvelous enzyme,a digestive agent,
which helpsto digest proteinfoodslike nuts,
meat and egg white. But once the pineapple
juice is heated, the enzyme is made less ac
tive, and the digestive powers of the juice
are greatly lessened.
And, too, the vitamins which abound in
rawfruitand vegetablejuices of all sorts are
at least partly destroyed by cooking.
That is one reason. Here is another:
Health Cocktails, because of their concen
trated goodness, are the quickest means of
revitalizing the body.
It is quite true that you can rechemicalize
and revitalize the body with whole fresh
fruits and vegetables. But you cannot do so
as quickly as you can with the juices. In
fact it would be almost impossible to eat
enough fruit or vegetables to get the min
erals and chemicals found in a quart of
juices. The hulk and roughage would be too