Health Cocktails in Debuts
Ify The (Ampevon
Ni:\i:ii IIAVi: i .sioion moki', ah-
sorbed exprc.sslons than those on the
face.') of the fa.shlonables gathered
around a table In the Elizabeth Arden
,salon yesterday noon.
On the table were i)latters of crisp yel
low carrot.s, raw spinach, .sliced orange.s,
tomatoes and cabbage, all artistically
grouped and looking like the prize-win
ning vegetable arrangement in the Lake
Forest garden show. On one side was an
array of cocktail glasses. With the vases
of American Beauty roses against the sea-
green talTcta curtains and Mrs. Augustus
Kddy hovering hospitably around, it might
have been the .setting for a debut tea. It
WAS the debut of the .spinach cocktail in
Behind the table Dr. Bcngamln Gaye-
lord Hau.ser was putting the vegetables
into a press which extracted the Juice and
out of the Juices he was making cocktails.
Spinach and orange, celery and tomato,
orange and carrots. Some make beautiful
complexions, others are for pep and still
others, he said, can produce In one the
charms of a Mae West.
The cocktail lesson was Mrs. William
Mitchell's and Mrs. Leslie Wheeler's idea
and they got the Inspiration for It at the
/Continued on back /lap)
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