JUNE, 1918]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
The following Rule shall be added to and
form part of the Rules of the Supreme Court
(Ireland), 1905 :
Order LXF.
Rule 19
The costs and fees payable
to Solicitors in respect of business transacted
by them in or before the High Court or Court
of Appeal, or any divisional or other Courts
thereof, or the offices thereof, as prescribed
by Appendix S, shall be increased in respect
of business transacted on or after the 7th day
of May, 1918, by the addition thereto of an
amount equal to twenty-five per cent, of the
amount of such prescribed costs and fees,
such increase to be
in force during the
continuance of the present War and for a
period of six months thereafter.
NOTICE is hereby given, in accordance
with the provisions of the Rules Publication
Act, 1893, that the Rule-making Authority
prescribed by the County Officers and Courts
(Ireland) Act, 1877, proposes to make the
Riile set out hereunder, the same to come
into immediate operation as a Provisional
Rule and to continue in force until Rules
shall have been made in accordance with the
provisions of the said Rules Publication Act.
And notice is hereby further given, that
copies of the said Rule as a draft Rule may
be obtained on application to the Office of
the Lord Chancellor's Permanent Secretary.
Dated this I3th day of May, 1918.
Gerald Horan,
Clerk of the Crown and
Hanaper and Permanent Secretary
to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland.
WHEREAS by " The County Officers and
Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877," it was enacted
that the Lord Chancellor, with the con–
currence of the County Court Judges and
Chairmen of Quarter Sessions in Ireland, or
any five of them to be selected or nominated
as in said Act is provided, should frame, and
from time to time amend a scale of fees,
costs and charges to be paid to Counsel and
Attorneys in suits and proceedings in the
Civil Bill Courts, and that such scale or
amended scale, certified under the hands of
the Lord Chancellor and any five of such
Chairmen, should, from and after such day
as should be fixed thereby be in force in every
Civil Bill Court.
And whereas a meeting of the said Chair–
men having been duly convened for the
purpose the following five of them were
selected to frame such scale of fees, costs, and
charges as aforesaid, that is to say : His
Honor Judge Brereton Barry, K.C. ; His
Judge Todd, K.C., Recorder of
Londonderry; His Honor Judge Charles
Doyle, K.C. ; His Honor Judge Johnston,
K.C. ; and His Honor Judge Brown, K.C.
And whereas a scale of certain fees, costs,
and charges in suits and proceedings in the
said Civil Bill Courts, dated the 24th Decem–
ber, 1877, was duly framed and certified
as in the said Act provided, and it is now
expedient and necessary to frame a further
or supplemental scale in manner hereinafter
I, The Right Honourable
J. O'Brien, Bart., Lord High
Chancellor of Ireland, with the concurrence
of the said Judges, so selected as aforesaid,
and in pursuance, of the powers given by the
said recited Act, have amended the scale of
costs and charges, as shewn in the Schedule
hereto, as the scale of costs and charges to be
paid to Solicitors in such proceedings in the
Civil Bill Courts, and I,
the said Right
Honourable Sir Ignatius J. O'Brien, Bart.,
Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, with the
concurrence of the said Judges, as testified
by their signature hereto, in pursuance of the
powers given by the said Act and of all other
powers thereunto us enabling, do hereby
certify the said further or supplemental scale
of costs- and charges, and do hereby further
certify that on account of urgency the said