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The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society ol Ireland.


but effectively depriving him of all benefit

from this extra remuneration for added


" That a copy of this resolution be sent

to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant,

the Lord Chancellor, the Chief Secretary,

the Under Secretary, and His Majesty's


It was resolved that His Excellency the

Lord Lieutenant be requested to receive a

deputation from the Council in reference to

the matter dealt with in above resolutiofi.

Resident Magistracy.


resolution was submitted from


Northern Law Society urging the appoint

ment of a Solicitor to the position of Resident

Magistrate in Belfast, and the following

resolution was passed :—

Resolved :—

" The Council of the Incorporated Law

Society of Ireland, having considered the

resolution of the Northern Law Society

urging the appointment of a member of the

Solicitors' profession


the office


Resident Magistrate at Belfast on the

pending vacancy taking effect, desire to

express their concurrence with the claim

put forward upon behalf of the Solicitors'

profession, and to urge the justice of

appointing a Solicitor to the office.

" The Council desire further to urge that

the claims of the Solicitors' profession to a

fair share of the appointments to the

Resident Magistracy in Ireland should be

recognised when an appointment is being

made to the vacancy in the office which


recently occurred,

and upon


making of future appointments.

" That copies of this resolution be sent

to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, to

the Right Hon. the Lord Chancellor, to

the Right Hon. the Chief Secretary for

Ireland, to the Law Officers, and to the

Under Secretary for Ireland."

Apportionment Orders.

A letter in reply was received from the

Irish Land Commission stating that the

matter of the delay in issuing of apportion

ment orders to which the Council had drawn

attention was now being dealt with.



Twenty-seven Members were present.

Law Clerks' Salaries.


report of

the Committee of



to whom this subject had been

referred, was submitted.

The Committee

reported that on 28th inst. the Chairman and

Secretary of the Law Clerks' Society had by

request attended a meeting of the Committee,

when they put forward the claim for an

increase of 25 per cent, on the salaries paid

to Law Clerks as on 4th August, 1914, and

sought a resolution of the Council recom

mending the favourable consideration of this

claim by the profession. On the recommenda

tion of the Committee the Council adopted

the following resolution, and directed that a

copy be sent to the Law Clerks' Society :—

Resolved :—

" The Council of the Incorporated Law

Society of

Ireland, having heard


representations of the Law Clerks' Society,

recommend to the profession throughout

Ireland the favourable consideration of the

claim put forward by that Society upon

behalf of the Law Clerks in Ireland for an

increase of 25 per cent, on Law Clerks'

salaries as payable on the 4th August,


The Council



members of the profession who, up to the

present, have not granted any increase of

salary since that date, to now grant the



cent, sought

for, and where

members of the profession have since

August, 1914, granted an increase of a less

amount than 25 per cent., that they should

increase such amount up to the 25 per


Examination Results.

The Report of the Court of Examiners

upon the January Preliminary and Final

Examinations was submitted and adopted.



letter in reply was read from


Secretary of the Committee appointed by the

Lord Lieutenant to inquire and report upon

the law relating to Sub-Sheriffs in Ireland,

stating the Committee would be pleased to

consider suggestions put forward by the

Council. The preparation of suggestions was

referred to a Committee of the Council.