Environment Report 2013 - page 11

page 11
of surveys undertaken over the past 20 years. This group has also been working with regulators to
establish the requirements for oil spill modelling in the preparation of Oil Pollution Emergency Plans.
Oil Pollution Emergency Plan [OPEP] Work Group
– this group has developed a framework document to
help with the preparation of effective OPEPs and is involved in revising the National Contingency Plan
Oil Spill Treatment Options [OSTO]Work Group
– the use of dispersants and the development of a protocol
for environmental monitoring during a spill have continued to be the key focus for the group.
The forum’s work enables continual improvements to be made to industry data and processes. The group’s
input allows for effective and appropriate planning, resulting in more informed decision making and more
effective responses to be made in the face of challenging business situations.
Decommissioning Forum
The Decommissioning Forum has completed and initiated several decommissioning studies and projects:
Publications produced as a result of these studies include:
Decommissioning of Pipelines in the
North Sea Region
Database of Pipelines on the UKCS
Guidelines on Stakeholder Engagement
During Decommissioning Activities
Long Term Degradation of Offshore Structures and Pipelines
; and
Decommissioning of Steel Piled Jackets in the North Sea Region
Development of the industry position on the removal of installations, informed by the above
publications, to prepare DECC for the OSPAR Offshore Industry Committee (OIC) meeting in March
2013 at which Decision 98/3 was reviewed
Technology review studies have been commissioned in key areas of drill cuttings pile management.
This information will be used to develop an industry position for the OSPAR OIC meeting in March
2014 at which recommendation 2006/5
will be reviewed.
Oil & Gas UK’s Environmental Issues Directorate has facilitated the establishment of a Long Term
Environmental Study which seeks to provide stakeholders with the science needed to better
understand the effect of man-made structures on the North Sea ecosystem. This is an independent
scientifically-led joint industry programme.
The publications are of significant value to our members in that they provide a clear industry forecast
for decommissioning and its associated challenges on the UKCS. They also serve to improve efficiency
and heighten awareness. The Long Term Environmental Study will gather necessary scientific evidence to
support any future discussions on decommissioning regulation whilst creating an opportunity to enhance
industry’s engagement with stakeholders and demonstrate its commitment to invest significantly in a greater
understanding of the North Sea ecosystem.
The National Contingency Plan (NCP) for Marine Pollution from Shipping and Offshore Installations fulfils the UK
Government’s obligations under the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and
Co-operation 1990 (the ‘OPRC Convention’). The NCP provides details of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency
These publications can be downloaded from the decommissioning section of Oil & Gas UK’s website at
OSPAR Decision 98/3 requires all installations to be removed from the seabed at the end of their working life, unless
there are exceptional circumstances that would prevent this. Certain installations can be given a derogation from
this requirement and the criteria for derogation are reviewed every five years by the OSPAR OIC.
The management of drill cutting piles is subject to OSPAR Recommendation 2006/5 which is reviewed by the OSPAR
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