Environment Report 2013 - page 9

page 9
Management of Environmental Issues by Oil & Gas UK
The Oil & Gas UK Environmental Issues Directorate works with member companies and government
departments to monitor and understand the environmental impacts of oil and gas activities on the UKCS,
seeking to appropriatelymanage the risks.When necessary, the directoratewill participate in the development
of new environmental legislation and press for regulatory reform of existing legislation, attempting to ensure
that it is fit for purpose and has a clear benefit to the environment.
This is delivered by:
• Monitoring the development of national and international environmental legislation, lobbying the
appropriate regulatory bodies when necessary
• Working with the regulators to determine the best way of implementing new and existing regulations
relevant to offshore operations
• Ensuring that Oil & Gas UK members are kept informed of developments and potential implications
• Monitoring and assessing the impact of operations on the environment
• Analysing the Environmental Emissions Monitoring System database
• Conducting literature reviews and analysis
4.1 Forums and Work Groups
To effectively manage this broad range of issues the directorate works with member companies to develop
cooperative solutions on behalf of the industry. This is achieved through a number of forums and work groups
(see figure 1 below).
Figure 1: Oil & Gas UK Environmental Issues Directorate Forum and Work Group Structure
Oil Spill Response Forum
Sensitivities Work Group
Oil Pollution Emergency
Plan Work Group
Oil Spill Treatment
Options Work Group
Environmental Issues
Environment Forum
Drilling Fluids Work
Radiological Issues
Work Group
Southern North Sea
Environmental Group
Atmospherics Work
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...32
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