create a working party of union sharing champions.
Motion 5 NAPO
Domestic violence victims in the
Family Court System
1. This BGCM welcomes the announcement of an emergency review of the Family Court system on the
need to afford greater protection to the victims of Domestic Violence and the prevention of the situation
where perpetrators may cross examine their victims at hearings. This practice serves only to revictimise
and passers the power to perpetrators in a system which is there to protect victims. This anomaly is
already prohibited in the Criminal Courts.
This BGCM instructs the Executive Committee to:
commission support and research from our associated academics on this important
seek input by way of a survey of Napo members working in CAFCASS
seek an urgent approach from the legal professions and Women’s Aid with a view to
assisting the GFTU in aiming to influence the outcomes of the review through Parliament.