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March 14, 2016 SPSFAM Meeting

Meeting Minutes v2

Meeting Minutes


Welcome and Introductions

AOAC Executive Director, Dr. Jim Bradford opened the meeting and led introductions before

introducing the President of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Norma Hill. Hill shared brief remarks before

introducing SPSFAM Chair, Dr. Erik Konings. Konings requested motions to approve the September

27, 2015 Meeting Minutes.

MOTION by Boison / Wubben to approve the September 27, 2015 SPSFAM Meeting Minutes as

presented. 15 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstain.

The motion passed.

Konings also advised that voting members have been assigned by organization rather than by

individual. Organizations with a seat at the voting table may determine who will represent their

interests at this meeting.


Heavy Metals Expert Review Panel Updates

Konings introduced Reba, Chair of the AOAC Expert Review Panel (ERP) for SPSFAM Heavy Metal

Methods. Reba explained that five (5) methods were submitted in response to the call for methods

to meet AOAC SMPR 2015.006,

Quantitation of Arsenic Species in Selected Food and Beverages.

Reba advised that the ERP met earlier in the day and approved one method for First Action




satus. Suggestions were made for the unapproved methods. Furthermore, Reba shared

the consensus of the ERP regarding methods meeting the LOQ for rice and that the stakeholder

panel may want to consider re-engaging the AOAC SPSFAM Heavy Metals Working Group to revisit

the LOQ for rice.

Reba also shared that the First Action method for Total Heavy Metals in Food, AOAC 2015.01 is

nearly ready to move forward with reproducibility assessment and that there are 16-18 labs

planning to contribute to the assessment.


Glyphosate Update

Konings explained that at the last SPSFAM meeting, there was a presentation on the potential for a

Glyphosate Working Group, which was identified as a concern for many stakeholders. Since then,

AOAC staff has attempted to secure the funding required for this project. Because funding has not

been secured, SPSFAM will put this project on hold. Konings advised all to contact AOAC staff if they

are interested in supporting a working group.