What Shall We Drink?
With roast game,Port or Red Burgundy.
With turtle or terrapin, Sherry or Madeira.
With roast meats, turkey, chicken or duck, sparkling
wines, or Sherry or Red Burgundy.
With cold meats. Claret, Sauterne, Catawba or Hock.
With salads (horror of horrors!). Claret or Champagne!
With desserts,Spumontior Mousseaux,Chablis,Catawba
and any sparkling wine.
With demi-tasse,any cordial.
All that I can say is this: A restaurateur generally is
looking for business more than a diner's health, and if you
follow the advice of any but the experts your digestion is
likely to suffer. Let conscience and common sense be your
guide. Seriously, I would strongly advise against using any
wines with shellfish or salads,above all things. And if you do
use wine with fish dishes, be sure that it is of the very lowest
alcoholic content,as alcoholseemsto have a direct affinity for
all sea food and attacks it so that it hardens, if not before
being swallowed, at least after it reaches your stomach.
You'll need bicarbonate ofsoda to relieve distress if you drink
other than weak alcoholic wine directly with sea food. Be