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The Beer Family

thick glasses. The Udded stein is preferable, for after a

draught of beer, the closing of the hd helps retain the cold

ness of the beer and preserve its "head."

Formality requires the use of glasses—but I've never yet

found the man who wouldn't prefer to forget formality for


However, we must bow to traditions and niceties, though

we mere men may sigh over them sometimes when we might

like to be "just boys" and eat our goldarned peas off our

knives, if we wished!

Colored glasses or gaily-striped crystal glasses may be

used, by the way, for decorative effect or to follow out a

color scheme ati^ormal httle luncheons or for the aperitif or

appetizer before more formal dinners, at supper, for after-

the-theatre snack or at any time,for that matter,and still be

quite correct. Colored glasses add gay notes to a little

picnic spread outdoors or at the bridge table. Beer does not

require the fine crystal glassware demanded for wine service.

And,speakiog of bridge, when light refections usually are

served,mayI suggest the use of side taborets for convenience

and thus save the bridge table top from possible spills? A

taboret at each elbow will accommodate the beer bottle, the

glass and asmall plate with canapes,sandwiches,crackersand

cheese, or whatever you are serving.

Beer,unlike wine,"goes" with anyfood and does not have

either its own taste spoiled or spoil the taste of the food. But

wine with certain foods is abominable, spoiling the taste of

both. For instance, wine with hors d'oeuvres should be almost

imthinkable unless one uses a white wine like Rhine or

Moselle, but even these ought not be served. Beer would be

far preferable. Imagine Port Wine,too, with pickles! Ugh-h!

Beerand ale go,also,with the chafing dish and the various

rarebits(or rabbits, as you wish),the lobster dish or creamed

chicken or other creamed delicacy. Ale, too, fits with the

beers in almost every similar case, as also with cold cuts,

smoked or pickled fish, anchovies—I might go down the

whole list of edibles for luncheon, supper, dinner, and all fit

in nicely with beer.