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The Regents Review

Spring 2016


General News

The Shadow Governing Body (SGB)

has now been in operation since

September 2015 when the Interim

Executive Board (IEB) disbanded.

Some of the governors who sat

on the IEB have stayed on as part

of the SGB which has given us a

level of continuity and stability.

However, in April, the SGB will need

to re-constitute into a Governing

Body so we have followed a process

of advertising and recruiting teacher

and parent governors to join the

new Governing Body.

Since September, the SGB has held

a number of meetings. The full

governing body meets twice a term

where we receive updates from the

Headteacher. Mr Archibald and his

colleagues provide reports and tell

us how the school is progressing.

This covers a wide range of topics,

from how groups of students are

progressing in their studies to

updating us on new ideas or ways

of working within the school. We are

also given numerical data, which we

consider and ask questions about to

understand where the school may

need to improve. 

There are two distinct committees

and meetings are held at least three

times a year. All governors belong

to one of the committees. The

Teaching and Learning Committee

considers pupil attendance

and behaviour, the curriculum

and keeping children safe. The

Resources Committee considers the

finances of the school, personnel,

the buildings and health and safety.

These meetings are held with a

smaller number of people and look

at agenda items in detail.

However, it is not all meetings for

governors! We also attend school

performances, such as musical

evenings and we also support open

evenings and awards presentations

as well as visiting the school

regularly in the day. These are all

excellent ways for us to engage in

school life, to see students as they

go about their learning and to really

get to understand how the school

runs on a daily basis.

Beverley Higlett

‘Unity 101’ Award


Niraj Savjani was the winner of

the ‘Unity 101’ award this year.

He has worked on producing

the show and also providing

technical support in the studio

to ensure that everything runs

smoothly. Niraj is also the Head

Boy at Regents Park and has a

lot of extra responsibilities in this

role so must be congratulated for

his dedication to the school radio


The annual awards ceremony

took place in January and the

award was presented to Niraj by

Mr Archibald. Well done for all

your hard work Niraj.

Welcome to the first update from the Shadow Governing Body