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Why Develop a

Sport & Physical

Activity Strategy?

The Sport and Physical Activity Strategy is

a means to guide and provide a reference

tool for the recreation department, sport

and community groups and School Dis-

trict, and work together towards common

goals to the benefit of a healthy and ac-

tive community. The strategy will provide

the basis of building a healthy community

where citizens are encouraged to main-

tain a healthy and active lifestyle through

life-long participation in sport and recre-

ational activities.

The strategy is intended to identify short

term and long term goals which was devel-

oped with the community but will be facilitat-

ed and led by staff in the Parks and Leisure

Department. The Priority Goal Statement

and subsequent Action Plan will require a

network of community residents represent-

ing sport and physical activity groups, clubs

or agencies who will collaborate and engage

their own groups in the completion of the ac-

tions. This will require a commitment to the

shared vision and direction set forth in the

strategy, but most of all for continued advo-

cacy for sport and active living.