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QR codes can be scanned by a QR reader app on any smart phone, and

this will take you directly to the App store to download your agent mobile


The link is unique to each agent - and this can be added to email

signatures, shared via social media and more. When someone clicks on

this unique link, this does automatically take them to the App store and

download your agent app

Option Three:

My SMS Key Word

- request a key word for anyone to download your

mobile app. You can request a “Key Word” such as your name, homes,

search, etc. Once approved, you can then use this in marketing by having

customers text your key word to 615-541-1233 to receive your mobile app!

For example - this would be the message to use in your marketing

Text PARKS to 615-541-1233 to receive our home search app

Just remember, this is a word that your clients will be texting, so it shouldn’t

be something too long, or complicated.

Other Options:

Change outgoing SMS message

- the

outgoing message that clients receive to

download your app can be customized

by you. Just click here to customize the

text message that your clients receive

with your unique link to download your

agent app.

My Contact Info

- change your contact

info as needed (this automatically comes

from the Parks website information, including your photo but can be

changed manually here if needed)