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Register of Deeds

The register of deeds website can offer a variety of helpful information. The

register of deeds office is the custodian of legal documents related to real

property. What does that mean? It’s where you can find warranty deeds,

liens, power of attorney, deeds of trust, plats and subdivision restrictions.

Each county has a different website for the register of deeds - and different

log in information. This is all listed on our Parks website under the

Resources tab.

Rutherford County

Log in


Password PARK01

You will see Logon in the upper right corner - once logged in - you then

have to choose your county

You will see Change Search County in the upper right corner -click here

and scroll down the list until you see RUTHERFORD COUNTY. Click on


Now you can search - you will see the Search option in the middle of the

navigation bar above Messages & Notifications

Your search page will open - and you can enter your search criteria