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An important way to increase web traffic to your agent site is through blogging. The blog

platform built into your agent website is a great way to have visitors find your website through

internet searches and also a great way to encourage visitors to return to your agent website.

Blog topics can be anything - but you could use information like our monthly market updates,

info from Trendgraphix, or follow our company blog and have that repost to your agent site.

To have our company blog automatically post to your agent site - you will need to subscribe.

The blog feed to enter is:

This will automatically post the company blog onto your agent site as they are published

To create your own blogs, it’s easy to get started -

Click on Add Post

Type away - use the icons to add photos, or videos or links in your blog

Category - this would be

the subject of your blog - is

this home maintenance,

market update, decorating

trends? Please do not use

category that is not actually

related to your blog.

Tags - key words to help

someone find your blog in a

website search. If this is a

blog about home

maintenance, you would

use that as a tag. Also, do

not tab your blog with key

words that are not in your
