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The 2017 Phoenix award for

Poetry In Translation

...and the winner is…...Bella Link!

Je suis l’enfant de ce siècle

by Abdellatif Laâbi

Je suis l’enfant de ce siècle pitoyable

L’enfant qui n’a pas grandi

Les questions qui bruûlaient la langue

Ont brûlé mes ailes

J’avais appris à marcher

puis j’ai désappris

Je me suis lassé des oasis

et des chamelles avides de ruines

Étendu au milieu de chemin

la tête tourné vers l’Orient

J’attends la caravane des fous

I am a child of this centaury

translated by Bella Link

I am a child of this centuary

A child who never grew up

Doubts that burned my tongue

burned my wings

I learned to walk

then I unlearned it

I grew weary of oases

and camels greedy for ruins

I lie in the middle of the path

My head turned to the East

and I wait for the caravan of the crazy

Abdellatif Laâbi is a Moroccan poet, born in 1942 in Fes, Morocco

1n 1966, Laâbi, who was teaching French, founded the artistic journal Souffles . It became the centre of Moroccan crea-

tive energies: painters, film-makers, men of theatre, researchers and thinkers all expressed their ideas through this pub-

lication. It was banned in 1972, but throughout its short life, it opened up to cultures from other countries of theMa-

ghreb and the Third World.

Abdellatif Laâbi was imprisoned, tortured and sentenced to ten years in prison between 1972-1980 for "crimes of opin-

ion" (for his political beliefs and his writings). In 1985, he was forced into exile in France.

Laâbi’s political beliefs (reflected in the following comment) were judged criminal.

"Everythingwhich the Arab reality

offers that is generous, open and creative is crushed by regimes whose only anxiety is to perpetuate their own power

and self-serving interest. And what is often worse is to see that the West remains insensitive to the daily tragedy while

at the same time accommodating, not to say supporting, the ruling classes who strangle the free will and aspirations of

their people."