Wolters Kluwer
Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Mechanical Support: Principles and
Practice, Fourth Edition
Glenn P. Gravlee, MD
December 2015 / Hardbound / 8.375" x 10.875" / 912 pp. / 800 Illus. / 106
Offering a unique, multidisciplinary approach to the complexities of CPB, the 4
Edition of
Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Mechanical Support: Principles & Practice
remains the gold standard in the field. This edition brings you fully up to date
with every aspects of cardiopulmonary bypass, including new information on
management of pediatric patients, CPB’s role with minimally invasive and robotic cardiac surgery, mechanical
circulatory support, miniaturized circuits and CPB, sickle cell disease and CPB management, and much more.
A newly expanded title reflects the rapidly evolving nature of extracorporeal technology, encompassing both
short-term and long-term forms of cardiac and pulmonary support.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or
Clinical Anesthesia, Eighth Edition
Paul G. Barash
May 2017 / Hardbound / 8.375" x 10.875" / 1808 pp.
Where experts turn for definitive answers!
Clinical Anesthesia
covers the full
spectrum of clinical issues and options in anesthesiology, providing insightful
coverage of pharmacology, physiology, co-existing diseases, and surgical
procedures. Unmatched in its clarity and depth of coverage as well as its robust
multimedia features, this classic clinical reference brings you the very latest
essential knowledge in the field, equipping you to effectively apply today’s
standards of care and make optimal clinical decisions on behalf of your patients.
Clinical Anesthesia Fundamentals: Print + ebook with Multimedia
Paul G. Barash, MD, Bruce F. Cullen, MD
Michael Cahalan, MD, Christine M. Stock,
Rafael Ortega, MD, Sam R. Sharar, MD
May 2015 / Softbound / 7" x 10" / 912 pp. / 265 Illus. / 160 Tables
From the popular and highly respected Clinical Anesthesia family of titles
comes a new resource that clearly and simply explains the core concepts of
anesthesiology that you need to know. From physiology and pharmacology to
anatomy and system-based anesthesia, it uses full-color graphics, easy-to-read
tables, and clear, concise text to convey the essential principles of the field.