Wolters Kluwer
Shoulder Arthroscopy, Third Edition
Stephen J. Snyder, MD
July 2014 / Hardbound / 8.375" x 10.875" / 424 pp. / 2825 Illus.
Keep pace with fast-moving advances in shoulder arthroscopy. The newly
updated Shoulder Arthroscopy is based on the top-flight training and innovative
practices of the Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI). This updated
3rd edition includes highly practical guided reviews of SCOI’s latest advances
in assessment and surgical technique, offering recommendations ranging from
operating room layout to arthroscopy education opportunities. See why so
many surgeons are calling this the “bible” of shoulder arthroscopy.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your
tablet and smartphone or accessed online.
Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics: The Anatomic Approach, Fifth
Stanley Hoppenfeld, MD
October 2016 / Hardbound / 8.375" x 10.875" / 769 pp.
Through four outstanding editions, this highly regarded text has provided a
clear, surgeon’s-point of view of orthopaedic anatomy using easy-to-follow
descriptions accompanied by hundreds of superb, full-color illustrations. The
state-of-the-art fifth edition brings you up to date with recent changes in the
field, using a highly relevant anatomic approach that has become increasingly
important as approaches become smaller. Designed to increase your anatomic knowledge, increase safety, and
improve patient outcomes, this updated resource is a must-have reference for today’s orthopaedic surgeon.
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, offering tablet, smartphone or
accessed online.