Vivergo Fuels
Ethanol Road Loading Improvements - URS
P & I Design Ltd
2 Reed Street, Thornaby, UK, TS17 7AF
ISSUE: C DATE: 28.07.2016
Tel: + 44 (0) 1642 617444
PAGE 6 OF 14
Fax: + 44 (0) 1642 616447
This User Requirement Specification (URS) has been produced by P&I Design Ltd. on
behalf of Vivergo Fuels.
Vivergo Fuels operate a bio-refinery at Saltend Chemicals Park near Hull. The refinery is
fully operational and produces approximately 420 million litres of bio-ethanol and
500,000 tonnes of animal feed per year using feed grade wheat. Ethanol is exported to
ship and to road tankers. Ethanol exported to road tankers is currently de-natured with
methanol/Bitrex. The use of methanol/Bitrex as a denaturant restricts potential customers
who will purchase the Ethanol. This project has been instigated primarily to change the
denaturant to use gasoline instead of methanol/Bitrex. As a result of the potentially
extended customer base, the desire of those customers to have additives injected
(corrosion inhibitors) is also being addressed. Furthermore the introduction of gasoline as
the denaturant has led to the need for road tanker displaced vapours to be incinerated
rather than recovered, as is currently the case, due to potential contamination of the
process with gasoline.
This URS does not attempt to fully re-define the existing bioethanol road truck loading
system. It has been produced to identify the process and structural changes to the system
and identify key requirements to be incorporated. It is the responsibility of each vendor /
responsible person to fully define how this will be achieved within the confines of their
own system and via interfaces with the other systems involved. It should be clearly
identified how the incorporation of these changes affects the existing functionality.
This URS is limited in scope to the following:
ERP functional requirements but limited in scope to establishing the data transfer
between ERP and TMS, all other logistics and finance implications will be dealt
with elsewhere by Vivergo.
TMS functional requirements
Depot Visor functional requirements
Accuload functional requirements
DCS functional requirements