2015 GNYADA Membership Directory
GNYADA’s Dealer Services Team has
assembled this collection of Hot Topics—
and the answers.
Don’t see your question here?
Call us at 718.746.5900
If it’s making headlines, it’s here!
Welcome to the Hot Topics section of the 2015 GNYADA Membership Directory. Here you’ll find solutions to the
problems that have been plaguing dealers across our area. These are the issues that you have been emailing
and calling about as we help dealers navigate the bureaucratic, legislative and administrative minefields.
Hot Topics is the resource you can look at to help you avoid any unexpected headaches, where you can read
about Case Studies & Compliance Issues, Pre-Printed Fees, Regulatory Issues, Warranty Parts Reimbursement
Program, Top OSHA violations, as well as timely reminders and developments that can impact your business.
For the more information on these and other topics go to
www.gnyada.comor call the
GNYADA Hotline on