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court would be required to declare the Irish provision
"inapplicable" and to apply the Community provision as
the legal basis on which the case must be decided.
Amendment of 1937 Constitution
It is in this context, taking account of the penetration
and supremacy of Community law, that the full scope of
the constitutional amendment, contained in the Third
Amendment of the Constitution Act 1972, must be
assessed. The first part of that amendment was enabling:
empowering Ireland to become a member of the three
Communities. The second part referred to the legal
implications as follows:
"No provision of this Constitution invalidates laws
enacted, acts done or measures adopted by the State
necessitated by the obligations of membership of
the Communities or prevents laws enacted, acts
done or measures adopted by the Communities, or
institutions thereof, from having the force of law in
the State."
This amendment to the Constitution having been
approved in a referendum in May 1972/ certain further
legal steps required to be taken. The Dail passed a motion
ratifying the Treaties, in accordance with Article 29 of the
Constitution, and a few months later, in December 1972,
the European Communities Act 1972 gave effect in the
domestic law to this constitutional amendment. Section 2
of that Act provides:
"From the first day of January 1973, the Treaties
governing the European Communities and the
existing and future Acts adopted by the institutions
of those Communities shall be binding on the State
and shall be part of the domestic law thereof under