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appear in time.

If the supposed vision were genuine, the precise name of Jesus would have

been pronounced, not the epithet name the world tried to assign to Jesus.

The feigned vision did not confirm prophecy according to the scriptures!

History reveals facts that Constantine considered himself the sun god, and

in pagan ways tried to compare himself to Jesus, but never worshipped

Jesus as such. As a result, Christianity through the ages fell short in many

ways, and today is a house divided with many different religious

perceptions. Each individual segment supposedly subscribes to the notion

that they have the whole truth.

The political beginning of the Christian deception, under a pretense of the

greatest good, will in the end serve Satan with a political victory. The

pretense is one spiritual body, one true church as if to fulfill Jesus’ desire.

This is the huge beast, a spiritual church of huge proportions, seen as the

truth, and the oldest church will become a worldly church. All people will

be enticed to convert or participate in a one-world religion. Just as

Constantine ordered unity, so the last Pope, together with the world leaders,

orders peace [the false peace] and unity by political decree.

These precise circumstances will make the difference for perfect justice to

prevail—some people will be saved, some delivered and most will be lost.

Those on the narrow road prevail, and those on the wide road lost, just as

prophesy informs us. Satan’s desire is to place political dominance in the

forefront of the minds of the intended faithful. Constantine’s sublime

decree, seemingly a good decree, was a deceptive ploy to gain the whole

world and profane the name of God.

Malachi’s prophecy is realized, and there will be justice according to the

wrongs that have been done. Remember, Jesus did not come to judge the

world, but to save it if it could be saved. Jesus testified to this reality: “For

judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those

who see will become blind.”

(John 9: 39)

However, Jesus, as the Father, gives

authority to judge the world to the son who is the shepherd of His sheep:

‘“I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate,

but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. The man who

enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. [Jesus ordains His shepherd

– man does not ordain] The watchman opens the gate for him, and the

sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them

out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and